(Archive) Place-To-Release-Your-Parks Land / Mirage of Middle Ages

  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    The last five posts are probably the most worthless posts I have ever seen.
    Lay the fuck off, you've got a talented parkmaker here, don't tell him to landscape etc etc, let him do is fucking thing, because it's obvious that he has more skill than the last five of you.
  • X250%s's Photo
    That last screen looks excellant, i meant to comment on this before but had to go out... I love the way you have used Toon's objects and your foilage choice is excellant in my opinion. Custom supports are funky lookin' too.

    Can't wait for the next screen! :p

  • Scorchio%s's Photo

    The last five posts are probably the most worthless posts I have ever seen.
    Lay the fuck off, you've got a talented parkmaker here, don't tell him to landscape etc etc, let him do is fucking thing, because it's obvious that he has more skill than the last five of you.

    Someone's in a happy mood....
  • VC15SA%s's Photo

    The last five posts are probably the most worthless posts I have ever seen.
    Lay the fuck off, you've got a talented parkmaker here, don't tell him to landscape etc etc, let him do is fucking thing, because it's obvious that he has more skill than the last five of you.

    Ok. That had to be one of the stupidest things I have read. Never give our opinions on the park? Fine. This forum is pointless then.
  • Disney Freak%s's Photo

    The last five posts are probably the most worthless posts I have ever seen.
    Lay the fuck off, you've got a talented parkmaker here, don't tell him to landscape etc etc, let him do is fucking thing, because it's obvious that he has more skill than the last five of you.

    Oh, yes, I'm sorry. I should've realised that someone who's considered good doesn't need any advice at all... :rolleyes:

    Yeah, whatever...
  • Anolis%s's Photo
    thx for posts

    Posted Image

    Here is the Parklogo.
    Thank you muuuh
  • OhioCoasteRFreaK36%s's Photo
    Wow I like that!

    What you should do to it is make it wavy so it looks like a mirage..or more blurry and such. That would be really cool!
  • inVersed%s's Photo
    That's one good logo you got there! The park looks amazing aswell, great job!!
  • MightyMouse%s's Photo
    That's a neat little logo, you go there.
  • Anolis%s's Photo
    I finished this Park last weekend :)
    here is the downloadlink
    Can someone please pin this? ;)
    bye Anolis
  • Titan%s's Photo
    Just downloaded, can't wait to check it out.
  • Glory%s's Photo
    Awesome park for a first try!
  • coach777%s's Photo
    wow~ really awesome work.
    I like it.
    DL now
  • EGF%s's Photo
    Wonderful Work
    i like ur style
    cya ;)
  • muuuh%s's Photo
    Hi Anolis!

    the theming looks really cool and the colours are interesting i like your style!
    cant wait for a new released park^^

    greetz muuuh


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