(Archive) Advertising District / New foeums

  • moediaz%s's Photo
    ok, i'll try to make this proffesional as i can. I promise this will not be like my other advertising campiagns.

    hello, have you evered wanted to go to a forum that talks about , movies, video games, sports, rct, news . aEverything that is cool. Updates from around the entertainment business. Well today i would like to announce that there is. Its called Entertainment zone, a new forum.

    We've just stared today, 10/29/04. but we hope that peole would come by a sign up and be part of the team.

    Remember we just started so please, no harsh remarks.

    thank you the moediaz team. Fouems= forums i was in a rush, sorry

    here's that new cool site. Enjoy ![COLOR=red]
  • JKay%s's Photo
    I dont see why you cant take a hint. NO ONE CARES! Do you really think that there are NE people that don't know about your site already?....I mean you've only posted like 30 topics about it in different forums here. Its really getting annoying. Oh, and for the LOVE OF GOD, use a spell check. You can't even spell the word "professional" right. You're the worst webmaster I've ever seen. Sorry to be so blunt, but you've really struck a nerve.
  • Panoramical%s's Photo
    Usually webmasters have talent. You, my friend, have none. You just steal other people's skins and put no money into your website whatsoever.
    Good luck nevertheless.
  • moediaz%s's Photo
    hmm, its not a website its a forum, hmmm not stealing skin, hmm
    nevered said anything bada bout u, mayb u can do better, hmm i do have talent just not good on a computer like, i dont spend my life on a computer like you. and, ummmm have a good day, i mean damn this is my first freakin time, that rct site isnt mine i'm just part of the staff over there dammit.
  • X250%s's Photo
    Nice idea but the skin really hurts my eyes, you might want to try using lighter colours to make it easier to look at.

  • moediaz%s's Photo
    were keeping that shin there till halloween then we shall switch to a south park skin that lined up next lol. Oh yea we need some staff if you want to sign up!
  • DarkRideExpert%s's Photo

    I dont see why you cant take a hint.  NO ONE CARES!  Do you really think that there are NE people that don't know about your site already?....I mean you've only posted like 30  topics about it in different forums here.  Its really getting annoying.  Oh, and for the LOVE OF GOD, use a spell check.  You can't even spell the word "professional" right.  You're the worst webmaster I've ever seen.  Sorry to be so blunt, but you've really struck a nerve.



    I sure hope Iris gets rid of this newb for good... *)
  • w33maniac%s's Photo
    Takes out his m16* Tires firing at moediaz!*FUUK!THE WEAPONG JAMMED!?!? NOOO!THIS PICE OF SHIT RIFLE!!!

    *Modiez quickly pulls out he's pistol, click!click!"SHIT!forgot to reload this....."

    *w33man meanwhile has taken all the time to go and buy an ak47*starts pumping up moediaz with bullets.....

    .................................................Thats right


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