Park / Dragon of Bastard Mountain


  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo
    Unless you're Sam, of course
  • Sephiroth%s's Photo

    The score of this submission contains more bullshit than a cattle ranch in Texas.






    But that's just my opinion.

  • posix%s's Photo

    Super good to see this Sam. Should've won. Nice design choices, more theming than you usually do. Your usual excellence in organic composition. Loved it.

  • SSSammy%s's Photo

    ive got to say, i really enjoy building in this way, more than i've enjoyed any other type of rct. no hacks LL is so fun for me because it feels very pure and easy, there's no fucking around. it forces focus away from detail and into more broad composition. its always going to be more niche appeal in the current state of the meta of rct but thats okay.