General Chat / NE's Great Travel Survey

How many countries have you visited in your life?

How old were you when you first traveled by plane? (in years)

What regions have you visited? (regions overlap, use your gut feeling)

What do you look for in holiday destinations?

Who do you like to travel with? (multiple options possible)

If you could travel through time... Where would you go?

How do you prefer to travel?

  • Austin55%s's Photo

    Roomie-What isit that you do?

  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo

    He works aboard an undersea cable laying ship

  • ida%s's Photo

    Ehhh, i haven't traveled all that much. We don't really have a lot of money for vacations so it's usually just a trip to France and back, but i enjoyed that a lot though. We've also been to London in 2013. Except for the weather, it was probably one of my favourite vacations.


    I've visited:


    - The Netherlands (obviously)

    - Belgium

    - Germany

    - France

    - England


    So i'm barely able to vote 5-7.

  • Version1%s's Photo

    Wait...there are more people looking for food then for Theme Parks?

  • Faas%s's Photo
    You can go longer without theme parks than without food.
  • csw%s's Photo

    Yeah, I'd rather enjoy some nice local cuisine than try to track down the nearest theme park. 

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    You can go longer without theme parks than without food.

    But I get Version1's problem. Food is usually less bound to specific places. Of course there a certain dishes that are only available in one restaurant or one regio, but as long as you haven't heard of it you won't miss it. And there's good diverse food everywhere, at least in our well developed countries. I don't think many people would check out restaurant menus before booking a flight and a hotel. Theme parks tend to be in the same place, with nothing comparable to take its place at home.
  • Roomie%s's Photo

    [ntamin22' timestamp='1440538553' post='682217']

    He works aboard an undersea cable laying ship


    Pretty much. Although we dont usually lay the cables. I do the surveys before they put them down or after to check their condition. Pipes, Cables, anything that needs to go on the sea floor really.

    Currently off the coast of Sweden doing a post lay survey on a Russian gas pipeline.  

  • Sephiroth%s's Photo
    Out of curiosity, how did you get into that? I'm guessing you have some sort of training in some combination of CAD/surveying, something geology related maybe, and some sort of marine field? HaHa I'm just curious what the "preferred qualifications" would look like on a job posting for that type of position. :p
  • Roomie%s's Photo

    I studied Geology and Oceanography for my BSC and straight Oceanography for my MSC


    To be honest though i kind of fell into the job. I applied to a company that worked offshore when I was at Uni and for some reason after the interview they offered me a job. Since jobs were a bit thin on the ground back then I took it straight away. I never really planned for it.


    After 5 years with the company I got the feeling they were going downhill and left to become freelance. I've been freelance ever since. And thankfully so as the company i left went under less than a year later.


    It's a good job but little more than an office job on a boat. But i get to see a fair bit of the world. Problem is the industry has suffered this year massively with the drop in oil prices. 1000's have been laid off. I've been lucky this year due to my experience on projects which were already green lit for this year. But next year is a little worrying. 

  • Faas%s's Photo

    Good luck out there!


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