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  • It feels like when I reduce the G's, I am sacrificing the spirit of the ride I originally created. I think what I just want to be able to do with this is put some paths winding through it (ha) and plop it in a park for peeps to get thrashed on.
  • Both of them are in test mode, and I didn't know that paths raise intensity 0.4 points.

    It's super intense because it is not like a realistic coaster at all. I don't know how it would hold itself up if it were to actually be built. I just built it because I had this vision of a tangled tower of track that is taller than it is wide, with twisting inversions and crazy track elements.

    The average speed DOES change.

    This is the strangest part. The g's are sometimes different as well, but only by hundredths of a G, so it's hardly noticeable.

    This is it in coaster designer. (sorry for bad picture quality, didn't realize it was that bad when I was trying to keep filesize down)

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