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  • They're both great parks, but to me I like "Kayte Ridge".

    Yes, "Internet City" is cool, and has a great theme but I like the 'realness' of Kayte Ridge.

    I just like the feel of Kayte. Simple, but well done.

    lol this guy has 1 post and registered today.

    Yea, I was one of the ones that was accused of being a fake account.

    But, i've been visiting the boards for a while now and finally decided to join.
    I've been watching the head to head competitions in aww of what these people can do, and I finally decided to vote for one.

    As I said, their both good but I like Kayte better. Just a personal opinion.

    But, yes I have few posts, and yes it is 'suspicious' but, why delete votes just becouse they're 'new.'
    If a kid goes to a new school, he can still 'vote' with the class for what they want to do, why can't new kids at a forum?
    Yes, we do need to keep this as honest as possible but it comes at a demise to the new members.

    I think you should require all members to post reasons why they choose who they did, and if its good enough they get to keep their vote in.
    But, before the moderators go on a vote deleting spree they need to make sure they have probable cause in their deletion besides "O they're new Deleted."
    Its not fair to us, and can greatly skew the votes to what the administration wants to see happen.
  • It looks really cool!

    Only two screens, but its not bad at all.

    The use of trackitecture is good. I normally don't like the look of it, but it blends in well with your work.

    I agree with gwazi, there is something missing.

    The big black bar at the bottom might be it. Maybe add some sort of iron type gate thing over it?

    Either way, it looks great.
    keep it up!
  • Thanks guys!

    The basic idea of the story is that you land on an island, and its inhabitted by these creatures that periodicly kill some of them (think LOST :p). But, thats why its not really sandy.

    It does need more foliage, but I normally save that for the end.
    I will add more tree's :D.

    I will try to get more screens up as soon as possible.
  • They're both great parks, but to me I like "Kayte Ridge".

    Yes, "Internet City" is cool, and has a great theme but I like the 'realness' of Kayte Ridge.

    I just like the feel of Kayte. Simple, but well done.


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