Son Tested Shelter%s's Photo
Son Tested Shelter
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  • United States United States

  • I agree with need a darker color and a bit more vegetation.
  • Don't really like the treeing, but theres some good architecture with a few gripes: on the museum you have a brick door in the middle of a different wall type. Also, don't overuse brick and try some different colors. Other then that, its great for a first park. Peace-STS
  • Isn't this park supposed to be hell themed? If so, it doesn't look like hell in the slightest. It's overtreed with bad architecture. Sorry to say this, but I'm not really liking this park at the moment. Your architecture skills are seriously lacking IMO. Concentrate on them.

    I don't know that his skills are lacking...I think in this case its effort...He was just trying to "fill" space, but didn't have a vision for his park. In both cases, its a problem...I do believe you can do better yyo, keep working. Peace-STS
  • Wow.Very nice Marshy. Very nice indeed. I can't see any flaws with this so far. Keep itup.

    O are we looking for flaws...There are alot of dead flowers, does that count? Peace-STS
  • I do not like the style and indeed there is no disney-element at all. Maybe for people who like the style this is an interesting park. I am also wondering how you're gonna combine the two area's shown at the first two screens beacause they look so different..

    We'll see, but thats what makes a park...why have a park with the same things all the way through? I like it, but I agree with the others, I wouldn't slap Disney on there...You can make a great park w/o it. Peace-STS


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