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  • Are u thiking of "Space Cases?" Cause I saw Serenity and realized some girl on there was on that show and I've been thinking about it, and now u bring it up. Weird.

    BTW I dont think she was on it. Here's link Space Cases
  • It seems you got distracted with the small details and overlooked the big picture. Nothing seems cohesive. You have so much going on. You have too many different textures, shapes, and trees. I can't tell what the theme or concept is. But at the same time the screen does show great potential. Like I said you focused on the details and they look really well done. If you can focus on a theme and idea I think you have the talent to make something really great.
  • Nice screen, but get rid of every single blue and white pot. They completely steal attention, in a bad way. Change the color of the canvas and umbrella's they detract as well.Doing those two things will make the screen look less busy.
  • As far as the Christian idea of "sin" goes, it's been twisted a little, but it's basically bad things have repurcussions, just like karma, or ying and yang, etc.

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    So, I have another question. What do you believe are these repurcussions? Or atleast what you think they are for you personally.
  • Basically, I think the purpose of life (or lives, since one life makes no sense at all) IS to rid one's self of "sin," but the idea of sin doesn't have to be so confusing or intimidating. It's just shit you've done that you have to rid yourself of.

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    "Sin" is just a matter of perspective. Sin in one religion isn't in another. What I consider sinful you mignt not. So, are you implying we personally create our own sins?


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