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  • Wow, BIG improvement since Idlewood. Everything looks great, and the woodie looks interesting.
    -Funny thing, today I was planning to make a Spanish-themed Six Flags park!

    Iknew someone was going to notice the big difference :)

    i'm loving it.
    good work.

    Ok, thanks.

    Hate it to be very "negative", and am only doing that when I think something does have so much potential that it is worth doing that....

    This park is a very good start I think, but in my so critical eyes it is turning out messy: you used good/interesting forms, and loads of details... only those details don't seem to have any coherence or real logic.
    Difficult to express for me in English as well as because it is so much...

    Take the 5th screen as an example ("that's sky transport"): loaded with RCTIP-blocks and the like to make it "detailed", but in form and colour they don't have any cohesion, even not on the same building....: one (on the same building) ends in a curved piece in light brown, another one stops just in dark brown in square, .... on buildings there are those things in two colours in brick, and also in another colour in stone... :wacko:, etc. etc. etc....

    If it is "fantasy" I personally find that ugly (hurts my eyes, these amateurish clashing of styles), if it is supposed to be "realistic" I think even the most-cheaply -themed parks do better on that..

    And sometimes less is more....

    Now layout and interaction of buildings, paths and rides, as well as forms of buildings all seem great here, so I think it's more than worth it to not just "use details" for the sake of using them and throwing them on, but also paying attention to them, so that they can add instead of just being distracting....

    Apart from that...good start!

    Emergo :biggrin:

    Yeah, I don't know though. I usually can't find other ways of trying to make the buildings look more interesting than just blocks of nothing. I'll definately try to cut down on the detail, and make it more realistic from on forth.

    I am really liking the way that rapids is turning out so far. One of the most promising projects in recent memory, here.

    Yeah, I really enjoy the rapids the way they have come out.

    It looks like a great park! I agree with Kumba; it deserves an NE release when it's finished! (But I'm not the admin, so... I can't help you there.) One thing I don't like though, are the palm tree planters in the last few screens. The red base just doesn't seem to go well with the trees, IMO.

    I do enjoy A&W Rootbeer, though, and the mug on the side of the stand looks neat (it needs a handle, though, unless we can't see it ;) ). I also enjoy Coldstone (which happens to be right next door), so if this park ever actually exists, I would probably spend a good 25% of my time there.

    Haha, yeah I tried to include most brandnames that I enjoy myself, even though most of them aren't even sponsored by Cedar Fair :)

    better start than most 'zomg look i made a park entrance' AD topics by a good bit. architecture looks solid and well-detailed. the entrance / ticket area would look so much better surrounded by green stuffs rather than dirt.. make it happen. :p
    i love the little touches with the mug and ice cream signs, and if you can hold up this level of detail throughout the park it'll be a winner, alright. The hurricane station building looks like Gemini's, sort of.. i think it is maybe to much white, though it might just be the texture.

    For the woodie station I was going for something like a Cyclone-ish station. Here's a good example of what I'm trying to imitate:

    Awesome, the entrace looks great.

    The wooden roller coaster is awesome, I want more screens, and the blue accents were really a jump out on a limb. They work great.

    The new ride looks cool too.

    Also the teaser of the giga coaster is nice.

    Oh, darn. The giga coaster wasn't supposed to be visible. ;)

    I totally agree with Emergo: It's extremely overdetailed and messy, and not realistic.
    I never saw buildings like this ones...

    Yeah, working on the happy-detail issue.

    Wow, I love this! But I do agree with Emergo and Liampie, too overdetailed. Another thing I really don't like is the amount of red, just use some more colors and this project will turn out great! The start of the new attraction with the hack looks quite cool already.

    Nice start, can't wait for new updates!

    Luigi :)

    The colors should vary throughtout the park. For the main entry I wanted to keep a color that I could use as an accent. Like I said the over-detailing will be worked on. Uhh and, thanks.

    I say drop the Cedar Fair part and make the name just El Dorado Peaks.
    This park doesn't scream Cedar Fair at all to me, and they don't really use McDonald's. But if you have some planned attractions that would need the Cedar Fair name then I understand.

    I agree that from the current screens I've showed, you can't really distinguish it as a Cedar Fair park. Most of the park should change your mind once it's done. I'm also on the fence with the Cedar Fair brand, I want to drop it but then again I don't. I don't know though.

    I'll include an update ASAP. Right now I'm in the process of moving houses, I'm also working on a project, I have tons of homework due Tuseday, and I have plans to go to the movies tomorrow so yep. Otherwise, hopefully I'll find sometime to update
  • One of the best starts to a park i've ever seen. Everything looks lovely, everything fits, and I really hope you carry on and finish it.

    Thanks. I hope I can finish it too. Lol.

    The M needs to be a little taller

    On the Mcdonalds sign?

    I agree with JJ, the M could stand to be a little bigger. I'm not too big on the two-toned path either, but it's a good start.

    Ok, I'll try to see what I can do to vary the path thanks.

    This is one of the best things I've seen in a while. I really hope you'll finish this one.
    One thing I would suggest is making the entrance a little more grand. It looks nice, but it's very low as compared to your tall buildings just a few feet later. It doesn't have to much, but maybe have a central tower or something just to give it a little height.
    Besides that, though, I really like what you're doing so far. Will be interesting to see how you continue with this.

    Oh thanks much. Actually though, there is a primary entrance you guys haven't seen yet. It's not pictured because it's not done but it's much grander and it's perpendicular to the gates.

    Other then some poor selections of plants for the planters it does look pretty promising. Keep it it and I could see this park getting an NE release :)

    Yeah, shrubbery and greenery isn't my strongest point.
  • ^Thats your crappiest park? Looks pretty good for your crappiest park.

    Eww are you kidding? The map resembles throw up colorwise. I think I build this park around 2002-2003? This park kickstarted me in Rct2. I think this park was also for a Rct2.com designers club or w/e? Rct evolution. I forgot. What I don't believe is how I was able to stuff the park with 20+ coasters. Lol.
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    Wow. My capibilities back then suuccked.
  • Nothing to brag about :rolleyes: but it's some crud I've been working aside from all the important things.

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    Some kind of cafe? I have no idea.

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    A souveneir shop?

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    Some random station.

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    Better then Sheikra and Oblivion combined? You bet..

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