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  • I actually took the time to download both of these albums this week. I cant say I am a big fan of Nelly but I do, at times, enjoy the bouncy beats and catchy hooks. As a whole I wasnt expecting much from these albums, especially if the lead singles were any indication of what that CDs had in store for my ears. I was actually entertained by Sweat but totally disgusted by Suit. So i did what most should do...take the "better" tacks from both albums and make one that you can enjoy all the way through. I dont feel like breaking this down into a big review but I have to say that it wasnt as bad as I thought it was going to be yet it is not by any means a good collection of music.
  • Sounds like a publicity stunt to me. Just let me know when she graces the cover of Maxim again... Playboy works too :yup:
  • "Scarface, The best movie ever."...

    ... or not

    unfortunatly I'm not a big movie person so I cannot really back up my argument but I know I have seen better movies than Scarface. Guess I just lost my shot at being on MTV cribs
  • I have tons of crazy dreams. One of my most recent I can remember was a really good one. I some how got my ex girlfriend and the girl im trying to hook up with now in bed at the same time. Good times had by all! Then i have had childhood dreams like the one when I had to go pee but couldnt get out of bed because there were tons of holes in my floor and they all had alligators in them. And the one where I took a running leap from the top of my stairs and right before a really bad crash landing on the floor something (resembling an angel) would catch me (this happens several times) and I would float back up into bed. That sounds more strange everytime i think about it. :|
  • Ostertag already signed with the Kings Mysjivus...

    No shit? HAHAHA I was just being a smart ass *inserts foot in mouth*.


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