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    Hey dude, if you can feel like that reading this thread it just goes to show how far you've come since then. Even though it may be a total cringefest, this is one odyssey of a thread.


    It was a long time coming, but I think that as a now 27 year old man I finally grew up a bit lol

    Looking back, the main issue was that back when I was like 14-15 years old when I started this thread, I wanted to make a serious timeline park in a similar vein as CoasterDude5, however the issue was that I had absolutley ZERO experience playing RCT in a serious way. Literally none. And lets be honest here, compared to RCT2, RCT3 is much more difficult to make parks look nice, so I had already set myself up for a major epic fail.

    And of course, I was a nasty little fuck with a MASSIVE chip on his shoulder back in those days, which didn't help my reputation either, not by a long shot. 

    I've eventually taught myself how to make better looking parks in RCT3 and learn how to use custom scenery (not perfect, but scores better than Indiana Funland), but these days, I've completley moved on to Planet Coaster because I feel that PlanCo gives me the tools I need to create good, realistic looking coasters that don't look blocky AF like RCT3, but even then my early PlanCo parks looked like shit and I improved over time.

  • Oh my good GOD reading this thread is making me die a million deaths of embarrassment.....I REALLY acted like this 12 years ago...


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