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  • Have been listening to this 3 times in a row now...

    Burial - Distant Lights
  • So... I just convinced myself I should finally get myself to watch "Spring Breakers".

    This is one of those movies that you can hate and love at the same time. It indulges itself in the superficial non-morality of todays' youth as much as it rises above it, or dreamily dwells through it: transcends it. It's an acid-trip, a trance-like experience almost like an extended video-clip, which exactly reflects the entire concept of the movie. The idea of one, never-ending moment of ecstatic joy, which seems to be the theme of today's pop-culture. But nothing lasts forever as this film shows. It symbolically portrays this message throughout it's sometimes mesmerizing, sometimes up-lifting soundtrack (the entire sound editing is absolutely stunning btw), it's over-the-top imagery of ecstatic and excessive partying, repetitive editing and montage and most of all certain lines being constantly repeated to the point where they become completely super-superfluous and a bit annoying. It's exactly this nihilist and hollow repetitiveness of today's pop-culture that this movie so excellently captures. It's a film about an empty generation, brought up with Disney princesses and Britney Spears (the girls singing "My loneliness is killing me" might also imply a few things) without any real perspective or goal in life. They are completely indifferent towards everything.


    As for the rest, this was a terrible year for cinema. "Only god forgives" and "Spring Breakers" are the only two movies that come to mind as being worth of remembrance. I must say though: I haven't seen the new Star Trek movie yet, which seems to be okay.
  • Thanks guys! I appreciate it!

    I have a new PC along with a new Nvidia graphic card, which makes RCT3 even more beautiful (Ambient Occlusion).

    @Cocao: Thanks, though we have custom tracks now which are perfectly smooth, or you can import a coaster from NoLimits if you want it to be even more precise. I still like to play with the ingame tracks and if you're good enough you can make it look very decent, but the angle matters a lot.

    In the case of woodies you're absolutely right though, they look horrible in RCT3. I think someone is working on a custom track for those too though! :p

    I will release the palace once it is finished. ;)
  • I decided to do a palace.

    Interiors and a garden will be included, after I've finished my current project (A city project).
    As for now, the front facade is done:

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Enjoy. ;)
  • Posted Image
    How does this look so far?


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