Psi%s's Photo
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  • Hard to say.  The custom drop tower in El Dorado was too fun to watch, as was the log flume, but the boat ride + whirlpool in Pirates was super clever.  Gotta wait on this one, all of these matchups have been so close

  • I come back to this a lot.  It's so nice, especially with the custom music.  Really captures the feel of that ride.  Super pleasant, this massive coaster ride on the lake, and that vibe is there.

  • that round station is soooo good

  • There's a lot of breakdowns with the rides which is a shame because there's so much to look at here.  It's a little crowded but I really enjoyed going through it.  The area with the racing motorcycle coasters looked best (also damn those are the fastest chairlifts I've ever seen).

  • This is the best screamin swing I've ever seen.  Fantastic park all around.


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