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  • Bugs

    Such a cool theme. Great comic battle feel. I was a fan of Starship Troopers and got that vibe here in a good way. Enjoyed the effects all around and all the detail put in. So much dark humor too, the dead peep dragged around, the peep taking pictures of a bug zapping, ect... Really enjoy when parks work in details like that and don't take themselves too seriously. Great work on the giant battle robot and all the tech/weapons around the map. All the rides were pretty good even if they felt a little out of place. Overall, a great fun park. 
    So the museum... I had hoped to lead a park this season and had a similar idea to MDM. Congoy suggested doing a museum and I instantly jumped on it (I should mention that the museum I have semi-planned for DR3 would not have been like this, that will be smaller and not have a coaster). Later that day, it had its channel. The main influence for the museum is the Frost Science Museum in Miami, which I have visited in the past. I went there soon after and had a fun day sketching and taking my own reference pictures. The elevators and two building footprint with bridges come directly from it. The rest is either from various other museums we found on searches or custom. We stayed pretty true to the day 1 planning, just the building itself never became the "architectural gem" I hoped for. Terry was excited by the idea and it was decided early that he would focus on interior exhibits. I messed with the coaster layout for about a week before the final version was in place early in the build. Congoy did some revisions on the layout and I would say Momentum's layout was a true 50/50 effort by us. Terry did a good amount of the supports, most notably the turnaround supports over the roundabout. 
    The team almost immediately tried to figure out a way to have the switch track operate. Congoy drafted a prototype of the hack while Splitvision created the CTR and discovered the spacing properties to make it all work. Once the CTR was ready, Congoy integrated it on the map and did the remaining coaster timings/hack with the door (CTR from Levis) and show scene. He's got to go down in H2H history as one of the best last round picks ever. He's been awesome! Otter joined as a perfect fit to round out the 10-point lineup. 
    It might not have been too wise for me to lead this or take on such an ambitious project. I am a teacher at an alternative school and work with 3rd-5th grade students, most of whom have histories of serious behavior issues. That job was my top focus and I had a good school year. Still, I often had no energy to build on weekdays and I had only one holiday off during the whole build. I picked up the slack on weekends and would build for many hours. I was pretty focused on the macro and might have done the entire exterior of the two main buildings (Terry did the entire Planetarium).
    To some extent, we ran out of time on this, even with the extension. Terry built for insane hours to get it done and so did Congoy. I was amazed when they would reply on discord that they were still building at hours that seemed crazy. Myself, I was taking naps to have more energy to build, but just skipped them in the last week to try to be as determined as my co-builders. I would have loved to have another week to add layers of detail. I still cringe a little at the huge building exteriors I placed. I did not have the time to add to them when other things had to be done like having nice rooftops (mostly done by Terry and Congoy) and a finished Earth Science exhibit. There are other gaps too and I hope to fill them after the contest, just for fun. Despite having so much else going on during the build, I loved this project and hope to revisit it someday.
    The 29-21 loss... I think I can safely say I am one of the most competitive people at NE and I want to win. It being close feels like a bit of a consolation, but really wanted to lead my team to a win. I feel some letdown, mostly because I had small amounts of time to build. Still, this is freakin H2HX and we put out a park that was competitive with one of the best parks of the contest. I am very proud of the 42% we earned over J K's squad. We took on a massive task and mostly pulled it off. 
    Thanks to our whole team for help and feedback. Kenos was amazing with his ability to answer all our CTR requests which I think were a huge help all over the map. Levis provided the QR code and made the website and in general was very dedicated to helping with everything. BSG did some great work on all image related needs. Split did quite a few CTRs and some hacking tests. X97 was great with the object requests and made the cinder/storage bins walls happen. The whole team was great with feedback and encouragement. Biggest thanks to Terry, Congoy and Otter. They were outstanding partners on this and dedicated to getting it done. 
    Who did what...
    Kumba: The building macro on the two main buildings, almost all the pillar placement, steel beams, stairwells and restrooms. The original coaster layout, about half of which is unchanged. Most of the Earth Science exhibit, the Art Gallery (meh), gift shop and lower cafĂ©, 1/3 of the dino exhibit, the parking complex, the roundabout area and atom, the elevators, the Earth mural, bay, road and most of the exterior garden displays.
    Terry: The flight, space, physics exhibits, the majority of the rooftops, the auditorium, the planetarium and almost all the other small room and office interiors. He did most of the dino area and some landscaping around the edge of the map.
    Congoy: All the momentum effects/hacking and placement of the switch track. He also did about half the layout while tweaking what I did. The show scene was his idea and I think he did most of it with Terry adding some details. He did the rooftop Skywalk (CTR from kenos) and many other peepable CTRs such as the benches and binoculars (also CTRs from kenos)Other things around the map include the rotating MDM fountain sign, traffic, garage vehicles, mars rover, and his signature dino fossil.
    Otter: The entire History floor, gems and tide pool in Earth Sci, the amphitheater, bike shop and some exterior landscaping


  • Hurricanes > LHC
    Dambusters > Soda Jerks
    Jazzcats > Evergreen Gardeners
  • Amazing reviews Liam! Great way for those who showed up later on to hear about the wild early days of what has become a classic triannual RCT event. Love the stats too and all the effort you put into this. Thank you!

  • Role: Playing Captain

    Games: ORCT2


    I feel very motivated after H2H9 and H2HC and hope to bring back the most successful team in H2H history, the Hurricanes.


    Thanks for all the work and prep that has clearly been put in, very excited for this 10th edition of H2H!

  • Congrats on NE Spotlight! Just wow, I feel like this park dropped out of nowhere even though you have posted quite a few screens. Amazing how fast you built this! 
    From those screens, I was loving this park. Since a Disney World trip during H2H9 (which is 2021, just out of dedication I count years in H2H seasons), I have wanted to do a Slinky Dog Dash coaster, which you know since I told you and tossed you some suggestions on it when I saw you had it in the works. You really nailed it and the Toy Story atmosphere! The landscaping could have been a bit better tho, no Army men and you didn't have spare coaster supports loose on the ground in addition to the spare track. Outstanding work on that area, one of the most fun anyone can do and you did a wonderful job with it.
    Speaking of our DMs, thank you for reaching out to ask if you could do an updated version of the AT-AT in Star Wars by Xeccah, Xcoaster and I. That area came out so well. Another one of the coolest Disney areas you could pull and use here, so great idea to do that. Not much of an expert on the Star Wars areas in Disney, I did take a quick side trip from my family to check it out during H2H9, just didn't ride anything. Looks great tho! 
    You really did nail some of the most classic Disney rides. Pirates was so good and looked very true to the real ride, I just love that little drop! The music also adds so much! So awesome that you had it for key rides. Haunted Mansion was also very well done, just the indoor building should have been like 3x bigger, like on Pirates, but I get that was not needed and would take up lots of space. Peter Pan's Flight, also wow... Winnie the Pooh, Robin Hood, so many classic rides. Big Thunder Mountain Railroad too! Even Journey of Water was great. The facades all over were very solid and detailed, especially on Main Street USA. 
    Buzz Lightyear, I have mixed feelings. I think the look is great and fits the park, outstanding work on the station and the track interaction feels right. Love that most key rides in the park have a cutaway to the interior, but this one is very vague. I would have liked to get more of an inside look at this new ride. Also not much Q interaction. Got to step it up if you do this in favor of Space Mountain imo. 
    Not too many negatives I can list for this park. However, I thought the cake/castle was a little weak as the weenie. It just seemed to lack detail and atmosphere, even in its viewing area. Just a little too clean and simple for me. Same towards the end of Main Street. A parade scene could have helped so much there. Also the Jungle Cruise (yes I am disregarding that you renamed it, lol)... you know there's a full AE objects set that can go with it and where is that cool cave/ruin at the end of the ride? Sorry, but weak attempt there and the only ride I would give a thumbs down on your effort. Did you try to re-theme/brand it? idk, but, sorry I will not allow that, lol
    Overall, I really love the park. I think I am most amazed by how well it functions with 6,000+ guests!
    90/Yes. It was basically the RCT2 Disney park I have wanted to see for a long time.
    Kumba's Top 10
    1. Riverland by Fisch
    2. Rivers of Babylon by SA
    3. Busch Gardens San Simeon by Fatha (LL)
    4. Age of Sail by Alex
    5. Otter's Magic Kingdom 
    6. Busch Gardens Asia by Robbie
    7. Disney Earth Vancouver by Pants
    8. Belle Isle by Andrew
    9. Lonely Planet by J K
    10. WOMB by Mantis (LL)
    Almost top 10: Gorna Lund, Ancient Worlds, Sea World Atlanta, Riverview Exposition, Universal's Outrage, DAW, Storybrook Glen, CQQ, Washuzan and Starpointe. 


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