cAmeron%s's Photo
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  • Needs work (I mean a lot.) but like Sens said, a more zoomed out picture would help us.

  • 0/10 -IGN


    In other news, you need help, which we can give but only if you are willingly able to listen and not have cry baby moments. I myself have issues building things, but looking at what others helps quite a bit. I suggest fixing the layouts of everything and post again. Ask for pointers, look around, post more pictures. We're here to help, not make fun of this.

  • Hello, currently in the server and waiting for rights and stuff.

  • Generally most 3rd party trainers that I have tried don't work at all, but OpenRCT2 already has a cheat menu that does what I need which negates the use of downloading said 3rd party trainers.


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