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  • Wow, glad this is still helping people almost 3 years later! Thanks OPStellar for your troubleshooting notes for anyone else who has having difficulty with it. I mentioned that you need to "use the command 'pip install re' etc" and by "etc" I meant that you also need to run "pip install requests" and "pip install mechanicalsoup," that should be the easiest way to install those packages. If you're using Anaconda, then I suppose you would want to try running those 3 commands but with "conda" instead of "pip." Also, looks like you had to change the directory based on where Mac installs RCT, but you got that handled.


    I haven't played RCT in a while nor used mechanicalsoup so I'm grateful you're willing to help whatever other crazy people out there want to download every single RCT mod ever made since I probably wouldn't be able to figure out what I originally wrote or how it was supposed to work.


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