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  • It's not two overlaid paths, the "footpath" is only the border piece so as a result it shows the terrain surface below it which can be any terrain surface. In the screenshot for it on the OP i did add some pieces that were just placed on plain grass if you want an idea of how it works without testing it ingame for yourself.

  • New object added: Footpath border. This is an edit of the red brick footpath from the Disneyland Project of RCT*MART to remove the brick texture from the center of it, leaving only the border on the edge of the tile. This works wonderfully with custom terrain surfaces to let you effectively use any terrain surface as a full tile footpath with a nice border on the edges!

  • The official openrct2 objects repo on github has a workflow & script that automatically builds objects and compiles their images to LGX. (.dat)

    I just made my own fork of it, removed all of the original objects, and then added my objects within the objects folder and simply take the built objects zip from the actions page whenever i implement updates/new objects.




    There's probably a better way of handling it locally but this works fine for me. You can look at the scripts in the official objects repo to get an idea of what it does.

  • First update in a long time, but i've updated the locomotion brown rock & gravel terrain surfaces to remove their self smoothing as they do not smooth in locomotion. I've also added a scenery group for AE's pirates of the caribbean theming as they previously lacked a scenery group object.

  • Generally the standard used in official objects (eg: the rmc trains) is to use an originalID starting with a #, something like this.

        "originalId": "00000000|#HYBRIDC|00000000",
    That is the originalId line from the hybrid coaster trains, i imagine it was chosen due to the obscurity of the character in dat objects (a quick search on the object database doesn't seem to show any objects with a # in their id, were old object editors/vanilla rct2 even capable of saving/using dats with #s in their ids?)
    If vanilla does not support #s in object ids then that is probably the closest to bogus data for an originalId you could get. I don't have vanilla installed anymore so i cannot check for myself.
    Unrelated but i have also released a new pack of tweaked versions of the vanilla rct1/rct2 footpath railings with some adjustments made to make them more flexible.


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