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  • Very cool! I would love to try a golf course in NCSO some day.

  • Some roof detailing like HVACs and whatever else would do wonders for this. Really impressive stuff.

    I agree, but there is a reason for that. The roof disappears from other angles so that you can see into the building from the reverse angle. I tried to come up with a good way to do hvac with track but didn't come up with much that looked good. I thought the wow factor of the disappearing roof with only recolorable objects was worth it despite the lack of detail on the roof. Thanks for the kind words!

  • Beautiful colors, nice structure!


    Thanks! Shout out to Jens for the palette. I did some minor edits to one of his palettes. 

  • Perhaps use the mulch base from flat rides for your flowerbeds?
    I've tried it before and remember it being glitchy with gardens, but I could be misremembering. Thanks for the suggestion. 

  • But, I think as a whole it doesn't quite come together for me. The landscaping and foliage leaves a lot to be desired. The hillside is rough. The use of brown dirt everywhere gives a very muddy feel to everything. In terms of the macro it's a horseshoe with two deadends. In the places where it does connect to the outside park you see backstage stuff and bare dirt. 



    I appreciate the review. To your point about the foliage, I think Josh's point about having some denser pockets of trees is a good one. On your point about the dirt, I generally find the dirt to look much more like rocks, especially outside of a mountain setting, than the gravel texture, so that's what I use. But I understand that can be visually confusing when I also use it for mulch along the paths. I'll consider ways to make that more apparent for the viewer.


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