Magnus Polyspaston%s's Photo
Magnus Polyspaston
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  • Port aventura is a stunning park but its such a shame it no longer meets its potential. Its a shadow of it's former self when owned and operate by Tussaud's and universal.

    The original park was amazing. Shows, restaurants and world class rides. Over the years they seem to have strayed from the original concept with poorly thought out additions and cuts that have let the park down.

    Quite an interesting history with the park too. Dragon Kahn was originally to be an arrow multilooper until Tussaud's got involved and wouldn't allow it. Arrow were originally contracted to supply a number of the ride systems in the park and Tussaud's even wanted to stop el diablo being built as it is but contracts on that ride had already been signed.

    John wardley had quite a lot of involvement in the park which imagine is why its as stunning as it is.
  • 850 is a lot of files :D


    I still share this one on my drop box which is linked to in another thread :

    Lots of old LL parks including a lot of the Danimation spotlights and various others.

  • Just can't get decent staff these days, eh?

  • Shhh Wouter VL or I'll set the S**tasaurus rex on you :D


    What do you mean about not being able to get the Supreme Shitter to work, Faas?

  • I totally get what you're saying. I find rct2 a bit overwhelming to build with. I wish rctll had the same coaster options but I much prefer scenery and building in ll.

    I try to start a park in rct2 and I soon get bored spending 15mins on a building that would take 2mins in ll. I haven't got the patience to be ultra detailed in rct. I much prefer building parks that work with the game and I can actually play.


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