Park / RCT1 Guide & aceworkbench RCTLL v1.2 (126x126)

Park_2150 RCT1 Guide & aceworkbench RCTLL v1.2 (126x126)


  • posix%s's Photo
    it's been a good while since i had vista running on my computer, but i remember the classic "program files" folder from all former versions of windows is different in vista. try looking for the game under c:\users\ ...
    or while you're in rct saving a game, right click on an sv4 and select "properties". it should tell you the correct path of the saved games folder.
  • tinakhal%s's Photo
    Hey, sorry to bump this after quite come time but I need some help. I've tried the drexler patch and the other one, I've followed your guide and stuff (BTW, Im using WinXP) but every time I hit "Save Game" on anyscenario it just exits the program. Can you help me here? I'm not using any trainers or anything..
  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo
    did you drexler before the official patch?
    you should always update with the official patch for XP before drexlering - otherwise the official patch won't work properly and the game won't run properly on winXP.

    Edited by ][ntamin22, 19 February 2009 - 02:05 PM.

  • tinakhal%s's Photo

    did you drexler before the official patch?
    you should always update with the official patch for XP before drexlering - otherwise the official patch won't work properly and the game won't run properly on winXP.

    Well, sort of;
    I've only installed the official us patch, because I don't even plan on downloading any custom parks period. So what's the point of downloading drexler?

    Yea, well any more suggestions for me?

    O, yea, and thanks ntamin22.
  • posix%s's Photo
    i have never experience this problem that it exits the game upon saving. are you sure the task is really killed? try to switch to windowed mode and see if it still happens.

    or, reinstall completely.
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    I used to have this problem when I first used LL on XP without the drexler. If i'm right you cant save the game and it shuts itself down.

    Drexler seemed to help this as I didnt have any problems after adding this on. So yeah, use Drexler.
  • gir%s's Photo

    it's been a good while since i had vista running on my computer, but i remember the classic "program files" folder from all former versions of windows is different in vista. try looking for the game under c:\users\ ...
    or while you're in rct saving a game, right click on an sv4 and select "properties". it should tell you the correct path of the saved games folder.

    I'm not sure if anyone cares about this but if you're on Vista you might be experiencing the same problems that I am. Vista automatically associates most programs you run with your user account, so the files you save in RCT or other programs end up somewhere in your own user folder, which for me is:

    C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\RollerCoaster Tycoon

    In the end, it's not a huge deal, though I would prefer Vista not do this. What it amounts to is that other users won't be able to access the same files if they run RCT.
  • Casimir%s's Photo
    posix, could you please provide me with the drexler patch?
    the link still lets a username/password prompt pop up ^^
  • posix%s's Photo
    hey, i'm sorry. i know you need this and it's still on my "ne to do" list to de-passw the downloads in here. going to notify you when it's done.
  • Ozone%s's Photo
    I think you can get the drexler patch here:

    You can download either the .exe or the .zip file (that just contains the executable.)
  • Casimir%s's Photo
    yup, that did the job. thanks ;)
  • posix%s's Photo
    links are updated
  • gir%s's Photo
    so running on vista I can't seem to get the Dragons IOA v. 6 to work at all. immediately when it's started up, I get an error trapper. i've tried running both in windows xp mode to no avail. :(
  • posix%s's Photo
    i have never tried any of the trainers in vista. can't give you any info here.
  • Milo%s's Photo
    have you tried switching to the classic view?

    I couldn't get trainers to work until I did that.
  • gir%s's Photo
    doesn't change anything for me. i am able to use beast & codex fine running in the normal vista theme though.

    update: everything is fixed if you run as an administrator

    Edited by gir, 16 June 2009 - 03:52 PM.

  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    Not really sure where to post this, and I don't want to start a topic.

    I remember there being a button which automatically finished the track you were working on. I can't find it anymore. Is it gone with LL or am I just hallucinating? (lol)

    ^also, how do you run as adminstrator? I can't figure it out and some things are messed up if not in it

    Edited by Cocoa, 20 June 2009 - 02:57 PM.

  • posix%s's Photo
    automatically finish a track? i don't think that exists.

    about admin, click start > shut down > log off > change user > choose admin
  • 5dave%s's Photo
    The automatic track finishing feature only exists in RCT3.

  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    seriously? I must just be crazy