Park / The Boat


This park shares comments with 6 other parks(View Parks)
  • Steve%s's Photo

    qck nd some1 2 duo wit 4 april plz rt thx

    let's do it, dude. i got ideas.
  • Liampie%s's Photo

    ^They've never been submitted to the site, only Kumba/ I believe if you want it in your profile, you must submit it here, but not for any points, as it's already been released. Correct me if I'm wrong, anybody.

    I'll do it.
  • Corkscrewy%s's Photo
    Ah. I guess I was unaware they were all self submits. But I suppose that makes sense. Haha awesome Liam u rock!
  • nin%s's Photo

    let's do it, dude. i got ideas.

    dude, i have ideas too! pm or aim or whatever soon.
  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo

    I'll do it.

    Blast it all Liam now there are two submission for mine
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    So whats the theme this month? Hang gliders I assume?
  • inthemanual%s's Photo
    Wait, the theme changes? I'm almost done with my boat already though!
  • Airtime%s's Photo
    Of course the theme changes. Next month will be great. The month after? Even better!

    ][ this was crazy. Completely blew me away. The use of colour, the structures and composure of the buildings. Normally I find your style a bit messy and chaotic but this was perfect.

    JJ. Your architecture also blew me away. That Egyptian/whatever style just suits you so well, you seem to pull it off perfect.
  • turbin3%s's Photo
    What's the theme this round? :)/>

    (and, anyone interested to team up?)
  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    All entries must have at least one batman reference in their parks.
  • pierrot%s's Photo
    last round was boat round..and now we should do something related with floating things lol
  • Fizzix%s's Photo
    Bioshock Infinite round. Just sayin.
  • Corkscrewy%s's Photo
    ^^^ x10!!!

    Best game I've ever played.
  • csw%s's Photo
    I don't think there's a theme since it's duos.
  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    ^There's never an official theme..
  • Xeccah%s's Photo

    What's the theme this round? :)/>/>

    (and, anyone interested to team up?)

    i got a something we could do. ;)
  • Maverick%s's Photo
    I think Batman is the closest you're going to get to a duo theme :)
  • inthemanual%s's Photo
    pierrot, you mean floating in the air/space?
  • pierrot%s's Photo
    yup, something like that..perhaps floating boat? :p
  • Milo%s's Photo