I think this is a really well laid out area. Great elevation change down to the dock and the restaurant on the tarmac path is well placed and a great shape. Cool Boats
I think the dark building in the corner needs some love, too many flat walls and its basically just a box right now.
Very cool indeed. I do think the grittiness and squareness of the port area and the building behind doesn't match the roundness and neatness of the planters in the background. I think it would look better with more square planters.
It was very good, I liked the details and objects used in the houses
I think this is a really well laid out area. Great elevation change down to the dock and the restaurant on the tarmac path is well placed and a great shape. Cool Boats
I think the dark building in the corner needs some love, too many flat walls and its basically just a box right now.
Great Screen
A nice lively atmosphere going on here. Well done!