(Archive) Advertising District / *Top Secret*

  • thorpedo%s's Photo
    I bet alot of you are wondering why I seem to have dropped off the face of the LL earth. Well, here's why. I've been working on a solo in secret...but here's the ticker. It's in RCT2..... duh duh duh!!!! *insert scary music here*. It's been taking up alot of my RCT-time, and it's turning out very good and well to my liking.

    Here's the first screen of the entrance area, named "Aquacio", which is a calm, Spanish/Arabian village type thing. I used Arabian roofs and walls for this, but also Spanish walls, roofs and I added a Mediterrean foliage to make it Spain-y. Hope you like it. More to come, hopefully soon. I don't wanna show too much.

    Edit: I forgot to tell you about the screen. In the middle is the Gift Shop and Park Information. The bottom left is a restaurant called "Julio's Seaside Eatery", and on the top right is the "Aquacio Tavern and Inn".
    Posted Image

    Comments are welcome and appreciated. Shanks.
  • Silenced%s's Photo
    I absolutely hate those rusty looking roofs. They ruin the whole screen for me.
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    nice. he works hard on this and all u can say is that?
    i quite like the roofing actually.
    well im a fan of ure RCT 1 work so i cant wait to see what u pull off with this... looking good already....

    more screens? .... no .... oh :(
  • Glory%s's Photo
    I like it rct and rct2 combined.

  • Micool%s's Photo
    What the hell's wrong with you :'(

    somebody check this man's temperature
  • gymkid dude%s's Photo
    I don't like where the buildings interact with the paths. All of it seem to be the path, covered by base blocks, and surrounded by 1 tile of thin walls. I'd watch out for this aspect of architecture...

    The flower combo is a good effect.
  • OhioCoasteRFreaK36%s's Photo
    I like it alot! I think it is like both games together in one!
    but the building in the top right looks wrong for some reason...
  • Outlaw%s's Photo
    The building in the top right needs thicker walls where the path is, and in the top left, bamboo poles are holding up an entire stone structure which makes it look kind of unrealistic. I like the blend of LL and RCT2 you have going, but I think the thin walls need to go, and do you plan on adding fences?
  • spiderman%s's Photo
    Everything looks sharp except for the signs, especially the bigger ones like "Park Info". The colors work really well, the cream-white and dark red are a good mix. Good job.
  • MightyMouse%s's Photo
    I'm actually liking those red roofs. The side of the tan building could use a few windows, though. Also, it'd probably look better if it only had two types of flowers. Those are my only complaints. Nice work.
  • jon%s's Photo
    I quite like it but the roofs are quite bad IMO. I've only seen them used decently once, by Corkscrew in his area in MDA. Apart from the roofing, I really like it thorp. However, I'm not getting the Spanish vibe from it. It's a good start though. Well done.
  • Hevydevy%s's Photo
    I love it. It's the perfect mix of RCT1 and 2, and I must say I think I like it more than your RCT1 work. The architecture is very nice, but I think you add a few more windows here and there. I actually like the rusty rooves. I think they add character, though some sort of fence around them might be interesting. The foliage is spectacular. In a world where three colors of flowers is usually a no-no, you pull it off nicely.
  • SirSpinster%s's Photo
    I could've sworn I saw you start an RCT1 park that had an almost identical plaza a while back with the red flowers and accents and everything. Of course, this obviously isn't RCT1 so it obviously isn't that park. All I'm trying to say is that your work in RCT2 is pretty recognizable as an RCT1 style, which is awesome. Like your use of the rusty rooves, too, I haven't seen many people use 'em effectively.
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    Nice stuff but personally you have to do something with those rusty roofs. In my opinion these are your options:
    1) Run a fence around them as to add detail and add interest.
    2) Lose them in favor of the spanish roofs.
    I think #1 is better since those roofs and character, but they're hurting the overal feel of the buildings.

    Kill the random use of Fishermans Victorian things. It looks dredful when you put a hole through the wall just to put a couple of those in. Just keep one type of them on the outside of the building as decoration and have a REGULAR WALL behind it.

    The flower sceme is brillent btw, one of the best I've seen. Ever...

    Nice work, I just have to complain about the archetecture :).

  • thorpedo%s's Photo
    Thanks for the comments everyone. There's a couple comments that are nice to hear, and there's a couple that I don't get.

    Outlaw and whoever else: What do you mean by "thicker walls"?
    Ride6: I could try it with the Spanish rooves but I don't know what kind of atmosphere that would actually add. I think it would actually take away from what I've built. But, I'll try it, take a screen and show you on AIM and see if you like it better. Hell, I might even like it better.
    HevyDevy: Thanks, I worked extra special on the foliage. :D

    I don't plan to use fences, but I might try some just to see what it looks like. I'll also try to vary my path/building interaction and entrances, but I'm not really sure of any other ways to do it? Anyone that can help, that would be wonderful.

    Keep em comin, and probably a new screen tomorrow night or the next night. Not sure yet.
  • thorpedo%s's Photo
    New screen! It's not much...but it should do. I've done lots on Aguacio since the last screen, a coaster has been finished, it's an unnamed B&M Flyer. This screen is of the first "half-drop", colors to change (if needed, tell me what you think of them). This area has alot of water and waterfalls in it, so be prepared. So...last but not least, the screen.

    Edit: And yes, I know the waterfall sucks, but I was having some proportional issues with the rollercoaster on my first attempt, so I tried to fix it and this is what came out, and I'm not risking making it worse. :lol: So. It stays.

    Posted Image
    Comments are welcomed and appreciated. Thanks.
  • Metropole%s's Photo
    The flyer looks nice. I'm not sure though. The initial drop just doesn't look very smooth. I think it has something to do with it being so close to the edge of the map. I always try to steer away from going right to the map edges. I like the colours as they are.

    Metro B)
  • MightyMouse%s's Photo
    Flowers don't belong on that type of landscaping, in my opinion. And you prolly need to put some ice where that water is beneath the waterfall. The tree selection is nice, though, and so it the invert.
  • Richie%s's Photo
    It looks ok, but the drop looks a little dragged out. It doesnt look terrible, i can vision what you were going for, just the limits of RCT there.

    I know you dont want to change it now, but i have a couple of things about the waterfall that you could improve..

    Posted Image

    The yellow lines are where it looks like the water would be overflowing the landscap, im not sure if you can change it at the top or if the coasters in the way (try deleting that part of the coaster > raising land > rebuild) Otherwise, i think the land at the bottom could be raised.

    Second thing is the bottom of the water fall (Marked Red) where theres no water flowing? I take it you probably dont have the half waterfall in your scenery selection, so what you could do is (with 8cars) -
    Lower the water where you need the waterfall peice - build the full height wall > in 8cars for zero all clearances absolute(might work with relative) > then go back into the game, raise the water and half of it will be underwater. Then restore all clearances.

    The whole thing would look better with ice behind it IMO, but thats your discision.

    Btw, what are the objects i marked with blue dots?
  • Steve%s's Photo
    the drop looks pretty weird.

    you just have so much slanted track going down it that it looks sorta ugly. i would suggest no bank turns there, and make them straight to see how it looks.

    and yeah, those waterfalls need tending to. Richie covered everything about that, so just listen to him on that one.

    looking good.


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