(Archive) Advertising District / Thrillnetwork Premier Park Contests

  • coasterphil%s's Photo
    I know the old TNPP contest was not recieved to kindly here at NE, but I figured with the new group of people playing the game and the fact that TN has actually added a great prize that it was worth telling you.

    So far, the contest has been getting a lower amount of entries than we originally hoped. Thats bad for us, but great for you guys. Each month is a certain theme and one winner is picked by the TN members. After 3 months each monthly winner is judged by the RCT staff at TN and the best park gets a $50 gift certificate to Amazon.com. So far we've gotten some great parks from other NE members like ride6 and yeshli2nuts, and then we gotten some not so great parks from people just started to build. You guys would have a good shot at winning the prize, so I would definitely suggest entering it. Here is the link with more in-depth information, and if you have more questions just ask me.


    Thanks, and please keep the flaming to a minimum in this thread. If you aren't interested just don't post.
  • Titan%s's Photo
    I've wanted to enter, but my browser cant handle TN.

    Post it somewhere and I'll enter... :p
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    hopefully ppl will realise that any contest is good for the community as a whole lol.

    anyway i might enter. got a lot on with H2H, Rev 2 and 2 parks but we shall see.
  • hobbes%s's Photo
    I'll try it out, but I doubt I'll be able to do anything good with a Winter/Christmas etc themed park.
    Plus, H2H and Rev take priority. ;)
  • coasterphil%s's Photo
    Heres the information from the thread Titan.

    Firstly, we decided that RCT3 will not be allowed for the December contest, as we feel not enough members have it yet. However, it will be allowed for January and February, and all future competitions.

    We decided on the themes for the next three months. I encourage everyone to try to enter as many of the contests as they can, so I'll tell you all the themes now.
    December: We're giving you a choice this time. You can do something that involves winter and the December holidays, Christmas, Hannukah, and Kwannza (I have no idea how to spell that). However, you can also do a New Years themed park.
    January: Make the best Six Flags themed park you can. This is not a recreation contest. Instead, build a park in the style of Six Flags (clones, rides with generic names, Batman and Superman theming, etc.). Use your imagination.
    February: The Academy Awards are in February, so in honor of them, the theme will be movies. Theme a park to a studio, a movie or a movie series, you can even do a history of movies. Anything related to the movie industry will do.
    We've upped the maximum size limit to 128x128. Parks can now range between 50x50 and 128x128.

    Expansion packs for RCT2 are still not allowed.

    Also, I understand that there is a lot of stuff going on right now. I just thought it would be better to give you guys a heads-up so you could figure out if you could enter in the upcoming months.
  • Richie%s's Photo
    What about us english peeps?

    -getting the $50 gift certificate i mean

    Edited by Richie, 29 November 2004 - 05:05 PM.

  • coasterphil%s's Photo
    I'm almost 100% positive you would get the equivalent of $50 American, to use on Amazon. I'll check on it though.
  • Ride6%s's Photo

    I've wanted to enter, but my browser cant handle TN.

    Post it somewhere and I'll enter... :p

    That is exactly why I don't visit any more either. My browser is simply too slow; I won't wait 10 minutes to upload a park. It was a stuggle to enter and because I hadn't advertised the park at TN Spirits Mountain didn't get a proper run against yeshli2nuts Haunted Wasteland.

    So yeah, I'll be back into that whole tnpp thing whenever I can get on the site without waiting for hours.

  • CoasterForce%s's Photo
    I am interested in entering, just to give it a try.

    Say you win the December contest that's about a holiday...would you not get anything for that? I'm just confused about when you win the Amazon gift card and when you don't...

    in other words, do you win the 50 dollar gift card every month? or is it just that you'd win the 50 bucks for the Febuary contest?
  • Valp%s's Photo
    I'm not sure what the prize is each month other than an avatar and a special feeling in your heart...

    But every three months, the winning park from each month go head to head in a "Winner's Circle" contest for the $50.
  • CoasterForce%s's Photo
    Oh, okay. Thanks for clearing that up.

    I think I might go for the December contest.


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