(Archive) Advertising District / Guess who's back, back again.

  • SenZ%s's Photo
    Ziet er wel lekker uit, beetje dezelfde gedachten als PBJ. Misschien is het trouwens mooier als je het kale stukje gras (in de eerste screen rechtsboven) even laat maaien, voor het effect :) Verder ziet het er lekker uit, goede kleurencombinaties. Simpel, maar effectief.
  • laz0rz%s's Photo
    Wow...I love EVERYTHING in those screens! The 270 degree helices are done very well, and I especially love the foliage and landscaping! Awesome job!

    Edited by laz0rz, 26 November 2005 - 11:20 AM.

  • JDP%s's Photo
    this park is looking pretty good, keep it up.
  • sfgadv02%s's Photo
    Hurry up and release this thing!! ;D
  • trav%s's Photo
    I don't like how it's flat, and then its really rocky in the middle of the helix. Also, I don't like the random jaggedness of the landscaping.
  • Madhollander%s's Photo
    thanks for the reply's, but lets keep it in english over here guys, it's a english forum so try to adapt, when you go to another country they like it when you can speak to them in their language or at least in english :)

    But i have nothing to cap off those supports and when i try to use Dimport my savegame gets corrupted so i decided that it'll have to do.
  • FezziSusan%s's Photo
    I enjoy the thought of open supports. Not only would it collect rain, but you could throw annoying children in there when they misbehave. Yes, that would teach them!

    And the flying roller coaster appears quite nice, even though humans can't really fly.
  • Phatage%s's Photo

    Are you black?

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    i believe this very important question is still left unanswered
  • Madhollander%s's Photo
    we all black when the lights go out . . . Posted Image
  • PBJ%s's Photo

    thanks for the reply's, but lets keep it in english over here guys, it's a english forum so try to adapt, when you go to another country they like it when you can speak to them in their language or at least in english :)

    you are right!!!

    Version Dutch:
    zeer mooi gedaan. alleen had ik voor de supports een andere buis gebruikt. ik vind deze net iets te dik\breed. met het kleur gebruik zit het ook wel snor. alleen hoop k niet dat de trein te hard door de kleine helix (1e screen) gaat. ziet er een beetje vreemd uit ! nog maals leuk gedaan. niet helemaal mijn ding. maar het blijft leuk!

    Version English:
    great job. but there are some thing i 'd like to see in a differnt way. like the pole\tubes you used for the supports, these are to big\wide IMO. the use of colors is great... about the helix om screen 1. i hope the coaster will not pass the helix at full speed... it looks like painfull if it is.. or the amount of G-force will be like to big.

    again, nice stuff, not my "thing" but it's great...

    PS. we all love korn _\m/ :nod: \m/_
  • Madhollander%s's Photo
    Christ this topic still here :eek:

    jeesh iris clean up the forums some time to save some bandwith. . .

    other than that, started playing rct2 again, hell might even finish the drakewood project.

    always nice to be at home with a sore throat, should be in bed but with 35*Celcius, fuck that. . .

    *goes off to see if Cork finished his disney already. . .

    Edited by Madhollander, 05 July 2006 - 04:47 AM.

  • Madhollander%s's Photo
    ah, for i forget

    Posted Image
  • RCFanB&M%s's Photo
    The coaster looks good, but you should plug the holes on the supports...


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