General Chat / New Design

How's about a new layout??

  1. Yes 6 votes [100.00%]
    Percentage of vote: 100.00%
  2. No 0 votes [0.00%]
    Percentage of vote: 0.00%
  • RyanD%s's Photo
    Heh, I have zero posts but I've been around ever since the spotlight cinescape was released. ... buddy of OZONE, lol... anyway, ever since then it has been this same ole design! I think it's time for a change. I've talked to corkscrewd bout it... he didn't really say much, lol. I need to talk to Adix aswell. I'm perfectly willing to create it and set it up, and of course I can match the invision skin to it as well. Anyway, what does the community feel bout that?? And if yall do think a nice layout change would be good... what color scheme do you think it should be. Post your thoughts.
  • Infernoman%s's Photo
    Well i'm fairly new, and i think its fine.....but yea it could be better
  • Drew%s's Photo
    I'm pretty sure there will be a somewhat new layout with NE3, but that may be a while...
  • Ride6%s's Photo




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