General Chat / Rate the signature/avatar above

  • Blitz%s's Photo

    5/10: Turtles....
    9/10: That vid is hilarious.

    it'd be even funnier if you were in on the joke.

    The turtle is actually part of the joke.

    It is fighting game related.


    av 7/10
    stock photo of totally awesome coaster. Name is congruent with av?

    sig 8/10
    stock quote of kevin enns saying something dumb? A winner in my book, but overused subject matter, so no 10.
  • Kevin Enns%s's Photo

    Now that you have given reasons, I can stop posting here, for a while, unless someone I admire comes through. You don't like Lucius eh? w/e idrk, and I know my signature is clunky, I change it a lot anyways....

    Anyways, while I'm sitting here posting (shit?), I may as well do yours:

    Avatar - 2/10 - Since I'm far from "in" on any joke, all I see is a "stock" graphic of a turtle
    Signature - 8/10 - I'm not even in on this part of the joke, but "Insufficient O" repeated is kind of funny, and so is that guy who is really upset in MvC2.
  • Camcorder22%s's Photo
    3/10 i lold
    6/10 metal is good, although i dont like black metal, not because of its ideology, but because i think its too raw and repetitive. that phrase also originated from a band whose name had something to do with homosexuality in some language i believe. You might want to look into that Kevin. Quotes telling Xin to stfu are slightly entertaining, although far too common.
  • Dr_Dude%s's Photo
    7/10- pretty cool, don't know the band but it looks nice.

    5/10- yeah links are cool but don't depreciate your sig.
  • Blitz%s's Photo

    7/10- pretty cool, don't know the band but it looks nice.

    5/10- yeah links are cool but don't depreciate your sig.

    av 7/10

    reminds me of ultra-stylistic existential comic artwork.

    sig 1/10

    it's a trap.
  • TheLegendaryMatthew%s's Photo
    Avatar: 9/10 Turtles Rule!
    Sig: ?/10 It looks funny, but I dont get it completely.
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    avatar: 8/10 good pic of a good ride but what does tlm stand for?
    sig: 6/10 yay for coaster enthusiasts but a bit unoriginal

    let's see how my new avatar stands. I searched physcadelic in google then put my name in (i'm gonna change my sig and avatar every so often)

    Edited by Cocoa, 21 November 2008 - 05:29 PM.

  • zodiac%s's Photo
    6/10. just because.

    a random one i found on deviantart that i liked.
  • MF72 %s's Photo
    4/10: Rather odd...
    7/10: I remember reading that quote, but if you read it just like that, it's not as funny.

    @ Blitz: Yes and No. The MF does stand for Millennium Force and my initials, Matt F. The 72 is really just a number I had for Sternkrieg72 as well. No reason.

    Edited by MF72 , 21 November 2008 - 08:17 PM.

  • Goliath123%s's Photo
    9/10 for Millenoum Force and 5/10 for sig, i don't get it.
  • Blitz%s's Photo
    9/10 for both... thaz a crazy coaster there bro!
  • Goliath123%s's Photo
    Do you know the coaster
    8/10 for both
  • Comet%s's Photo
    Mystery Mine 7/10 for both
    I think CP6 had sometin exacly lke that before.
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    avatar: its cool but what is it? reminds me of apple for some reason 7/10
    sig- deep but sort of boring 6/10

    I changed mine to my hero when I was little. I ate him as a cake once.
    The funny thing is, I can't remember any of the movies at all.

    Edited by Cocoa, 01 December 2008 - 08:19 PM.

  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    ^ Comet's avatar is the album cover for X&Y by Coldplay, and his sig is made of the different song titles (in order) of Weaver at the Loom's album I Was Searching and I Found.

    anyway, 6.5/10 and 6.667/10 for the sig. Gumby's okay but not amazing imo
  • Goliath123%s's Photo
    Is that a beach shack? 8/10 for both anyways
  • Kevin Enns%s's Photo
    Avatar - 5/10 - It looks like fun, but, when you get down to it, it's a stock photo of a roller coaster.

    Signature - 4/10 -Is that Colossus with its 10 inversions? Well, recordbreaking only goes so far in my book.

    You know what I say? I think we should start rating Usernames too, does anyone have an input?

    Kevin Enns Ist Krieg
  • Gwazi%s's Photo

    3/10 don't like Harry Potter
    5/10 i like Christmas
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    9/10 I love the beach.
    6/10 nice rhyme but seriousness gets annoying after a while and I don't know the song so yah

    I should have known what Comet's avatar was, I have that on my ipod

    Edited by Cocoa, 02 December 2008 - 04:02 PM.

  • Kevin Enns%s's Photo
    Avatar: 1/10 - I hate cartoons, and especially nontraditonal cartoons and cartoon-like things. Sorry, buddy.

    Signature: 5/10 - 0/10 For GUMBY!! wtFF is that anyways? 10/10 for Architects


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