General Chat / Guild Wars

  • Dixon Steele%s's Photo
    So, does anyone here play, or something.
  • misolbaid%s's Photo
    It's a really good game. I'm currently a little past Lion's Gate. Necro/monk 15 here. ;)
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    i stopped playing when i saw "nigerjewhead: need help with lions gate, pst."
    that was his user name. :(
  • posix%s's Photo
    downloaded the ost the other day and wow did it suck.
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    it has a soundtrack?
    have you tried world of warcraft's psoxi?
    Jason Hayes is a excellent composer.
  • Casimir%s's Photo
    I own the game...
    played it for a while...
    I played for 2 hours a day and didn't get very high in level...
    level 10 or something like that...
    But when I get my own pc in april, then I'll play it again. Then I'm able to define the pc-times on my own... parents suck^^
  • Blitz%s's Photo
    guild wars is free aint it?
  • hobbes%s's Photo
    Yes. And supposably "ever changing, but contsistant to the past." So even though the developers keep adding to the online part of the game, if you cut down a tree for wood someplace, it'll be like that for everyone else and will remain cut down on into eternity. At least, that's what my cousin told me.
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    The environment is convincing, that is for sure, but other than that, i dunno.


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