RCT Discussion / Jungle/African area in a park i can look at?

  • RCTFAN%s's Photo

    my question to all is basically does anyone have in a released park or as a screenshot, an African/Jungle/Lost city theme that i could have a look at.

    The reason being i am going to do a design with the aforementioned themes in mind but i have never attempted it and so i wish to comile real life photos with that of peoples efforts to create my own area.

    obviously i am not going to copy you and i understand if you dont want to show anything but it would be of great help to me


  • Steve%s's Photo
    Maybe take a look at x-sector's park; he's advertised it recently.

    here's the thread.
  • posix%s's Photo
    rctfan, do not do this.

    get your own ideas for a jungle theme. think of ways how to pull them off in-game. that's called "creativity", you know?

    looking at others' parks to see "how things are supposed to be done" is possibly the lowest you can do. stop it.

    also, this is not a question of copying or not.

    ps. get rid of your repulsive, primitive-taste avatar.
  • Magnus%s's Photo

    [font="tahoma"]rctfan, do not do this.

    get your own ideas for a jungle theme. think of ways how to pull them off in-game. that's called "creativity", you know?

    looking at others' parks to see "how things are supposed to be done" is possibly the lowest you can do. stop it.

    also, this is not a question of copying or not.

    ps. get rid of your repulsive, primitive-taste avatar.[/font]

    thanks phil

    btw: this is the reason I don't look at many parks. get own ideas and not copy other parks. that's what makes a real good park.
  • Richie%s's Photo
    If you cant think of it yourself, do another theme. Just try building, experiment.
  • RCTFAN%s's Photo
    Ok, wow.

    I'm not looking at other parks to see how things are 'supposed to be done' but merely to see what other people have created, allowing me to see the limitations of the theme which i can then base my judgement of wheather or not to change the theme.

    I know what creativity is, everyone has it, and many times have i been complimented for my enthusiasm and creativity so don't start giving me shit just becuase i asked a question. Just chill the fcuk out.

    besides as soon as i posted this i started building and im happy with it so i don't need this anymore.

    Thanks anyway Steve, Magnus and Richie
  • GigaForce%s's Photo
    I agree with Posix and others, but if you must look at one:


    I made that a few months back.
  • Jacko Shanty%s's Photo
    Slob's Cayman IOA from the first Pro Tour has one of the best jungle/jurassic park sections I've seen personally. Here take a look:

  • posix%s's Photo

    I'm not looking at other parks to see how things are 'supposed to be done' but merely to see what other people have created, allowing me to see the limitations of the theme which i can then base my judgement of wheather or not to change the theme.

    stop being stupid. please.

    the only existing limitations are in your brain. no one is setting a rule for themes in the game. no one is showing how far the game can go.
    you do that.
    i actually mean you good. i'm trying to beware you from becoming a copy-cat. or well, let's say "unoriginal".
    but whatever. where's blitz when you need him...
  • GigaForce%s's Photo
    posix is so right. I have the problem hes talking about.
  • Blitz%s's Photo
    There are only 2 places where you should be drawing physical inspiration from.

    1) Draw physical inspiration from yourself.

    2) Draw physical inspiration from real life.

    To share ideas is not bad, but how to go about them should be your own doing.
  • posix%s's Photo
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    I'd hesitate to say don't ever look at other parks. You need inspiration and exposure to what's good and what's bad. Unless you're a genius, you're not going to come up with this sort of stuff on your own. It's like being an architect and doing case studies on famous buildings. You learn about ideas and such. Everyone does it. But without them, you very well may not be able to create something to your fullest, because you don't have the exposure.

    Looking at stuff it's fine... it's being creative afterwards that's the challenge. But I believe you should expose yourself to as much as you can. Number one, that way you know what's been done before (so say you made something 'creative,' but it turns out it's been done before, only you didn't know it... then what?). Number two, you know what counts as "original."

    I'd go as far as to say you actually have to copy sometimes, just to get your bearings. This doesn't apply to RCTFAN, cuz he's been playing for a while, but when you're a beginner, you sometimes need to engage in such an activity simply to develop your technical skills. The stuff you make as a result, tho, is for yourself, so you probably shouldn't bother releasing it unless you give credit to the creator.

    Frankly, the extremist view of looking at few parks seems pretty, well, extreme to me. I emulated a ton of styles before I found my own. Most people aren't prodigies, and I actually think this method helps develop parkmaking.

    Even SA, popularly considered the Michael Jordan of RCT, learned from Joe Holland and Liquid Crash.
  • Blitz%s's Photo
    That's a good point, al.

    This is part of what I said anyway, though.

    It's ok to share ideas. This includes studying those that came before us, the theories that go along with the craft, and the history of that craft. It includes any form or style of learning, even kinesthetic learning; when ones learns about such things through doing it themselves. But there is a fine line... when you create something from this borrowed template, and you put some of your own ideas into it, is it really yours? I'd say it's only a fraction of your own devices, which are useless to yourself as they pertain to someone elses work. It's stealing someone elses reality, as opposed to your own reality, or the reality we all share. It's disrespect to not cite them. Your glory of creation will only ever be derivative; a fraction of the one you borrowed from.

    For the purposes of learning though, it is not only an acceptable practice, but a necessary one. Just remember that it is not for the focus of creation, but for discovering your own. For LEARNING. As such, you cannot be proud of it in the same way that you can be proud of a fully original creation. There is still pride in accomplishment there, but it's not on the same level as a fully creative and original accomplishment.
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    I think you almost have to start out by recreating what others have done before you. It's necessary to really understand what other people have done to do it yourself. Then once you've developed those skills and have a good idea of what's been done before, you can start to create your own thing. People expect creativity to just hit them like divine inspiration, but in my experience it doesn't usually work that way. You have to be heading in a direction first and then when inspiration hits, you grab it and run with it. That might take awhile though and if you're just standing around waiting for it, your not getting any closer to making it happen. You can kind of 'push' creativity by seeing what other people do and trying to recreate it and eventually it gives in and rewards you with some inspiration of your own. I see that phase of recreation as a neccesary step on the road to bigger things. As long as you don't lose sight of the ultimate goal and let inspiration pass you by when it comes, you'll be fine.
  • Evil WME%s's Photo
    Really, i started out doing exactly what RCTFAN is doing right now.

    It took little old WME years before he started doing what mr. elitist Magnus is doing, however, WME had all the left over luggage from years of studying parks before hand. Even though i now never look at a park to "see how it is done" anymore, I even hardly ever look at parks a second time anyways, I still remember having seen lots of parks. The way I view parks now is just to judge them, there isn't a whole I wish i could do that to it anymore (only when i view rob :p). Whenever I do actually build something i usually do that right out of nothing, and that does work better. Maybe view a lot of jungle parks and then wait a few days and then start your area? Or just start your area head on, definitely don't keep going back too much. As to good Jungle/African themes, I remember one done very well by Xsector.. and there's a brilliant one in Raindrop. I made a jungle urban thing once, in Glyphindel (as well as a 'ruins' orientated theme.) I think my Jurrasic Park section in my ULW park could count as well. Really, a ton of parks have those sort of themes, you ought to just open up a ton of good parks and look for them :).

    Looking at good parks now, is definitely healthy. How else can you build a good sense to how pathing looks good, to how coasters flow, etc? Maybe you can do it all yourself by self-criticism, but there is a lot to learn from pre-made by others parks. Bleh, what nonsense anyways. Time for people to reply more on-topic too.
  • Magnus%s's Photo

    ... you sometimes need to engage in such an activity simply to develop your technical skills.

    technical skills?
    what do you mean. i guess you'd say good landscaping is one technical skill. archi would be another and so on.
    but do you really think you improve your skills by copying what other people are doing. your parks/work will be much more convincing when you learn by looking at nature and use your own creativity to come up with something good.

    maybe you will say this is a bad example but i'm still going to tell:
    physics (i hear some people already say, why is he always talking about physics.)
    what i've learned during the last years is that you have to come up with everything yourself.
    if you have a proof for a formula you can only fully understand it when you have found your own way to proof the formula. of cource you can learn the proof by heart and if your teacher asks you for it in the next test you can write it down, but i doubt you will be able to use it in the end and proof other formulas by using the same methods.

    so yes this might be my personal opinion and i will change it if i find any convincing argument, but i think copy other peoples work makes people just less creative.
    even if it's just for learning the techinques how you say. it might go faster to copy someone else's work, but using your own imagination and come up with everything on your own will bring up the better results.

    I think you almost have to start out by recreating what others have done before you. It's necessary to really understand what other people have done to do it yourself.

    if you are going for a realistic park, you won't find a better example than in real life parks.

    and copying from many parks just makes people think it is no copy but in fact it is still a copy.

    Looking at good parks now, is definitely healthy. How else can you build a good sense to how pathing looks good, to how coasters flow, etc? Maybe you can do it all yourself by self-criticism, but there is a lot to learn from pre-made by others parks.

    just to let you know. when we made god's isle for h2h3 i had no idea how to get a good paths leading up the mountain and down on the other side of the park. you still liked it.
  • posix%s's Photo
    huge grrrr at corkscrewed.
    when i get back from gym i want a bitch fight with you. immediately.
    i mean for fuck's sake :@ :@ :@
  • RCTFAN%s's Photo
    oops, i've caused quite a stir.

    I agree that when starting out the only thing to do is to look at other peoples parks and generate ideas of your own. I have never copied anyones buildings/attractions and never intend to. I go for realsism so the only insiration i get are from my imagination and the inspiration i find in every day life.

    Besides as soon as i started the topic i went and started building without looking at others parks, but it is an interesting subject.....
  • posix%s's Photo
    honestly, i'd like to know what inspiration is. i couldn't properly write a definition for it.
    in rct terms nowadays, it seems it's nothing else but "oooh, i like this. i want to do it just like that myself".
    and really, it has brought so many awful parks and shit to us. you know that. this time, i'm actually on those asses' side who go "shice, seen this before before before. you're boring me" all the time.

    now cork, i could possibly quote every single sentence you wrote there. not nice, so no go.
    knowing what's good or bad? fuck, you have to find that out for yourself. you make it sound as if we're playing the game merely to please the goal of making good looking parks. such a cheap thing to achieve, such a front, such meaningless awfulness.
    you're not coming up with your own originality? then why are they even playing the game as an art medium?
    yes, being creative is challenging, hence fun. your point about finding out what's done before and what not is complete nonsense to me. i am convinced that you can do the most exciting western theme if it is designed to your own ideas. that means, first of all, ideas for a background of the theme. most made western themes don't have that to begin with. once you have the background, the story, the meaning, the sense, the heart, you can think of ways how to express that. this is when you're having ideas for the design, and that's when you're being creative.
    so, people forcing themselves not do to overdone themes just because they know they won't impress since they can't use the roof and wall textures with shrub "a" and shrub "b" as it has been done like that in a lot and lot parks is a complete farce to me. and you propagandise it. understand me? hope so.
    copying for beginners is possibly the worst that can happen. they'll just become copycats. you know how it is. and those who built completely different just for the sake of it are being praised like no tomorrow for creativity and their genius, while in reality, what they produce is ugly crap. yeah, i exaggerated. just trying to get my point across in a striking way. but you should know that.
    anyhow, what i meant is that we need people who build because they have something in mind, have a main reason for playing that is different from "i want to create good looking things".
    for certain people, there seems to be no other motivation. and yes, beauty is very important. i mean who am i to talk, i'm a shitty copycat myself.
    i still know that i can't create beauty if i don't know for which reason. i can't write a book when i have no clue what story to write while i actually just want to make beautiful letters. okay? (i love you too, magnus)
    well, i'm kinda drifting away now.
    what i possibly mean is that i don't want to see people trying to "get into the game" by copying others, like you say they should do it. it's just wrong.

    oh and sa is a completely different league. he had a talent the game hadn't seen.


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