General Chat / Depression

  • trav%s's Photo
    Can I ask someone what to do if all of your friends are depressed and are trying to kill their selves 24 hours a day?
  • Steve%s's Photo
    Get new friends.
  • Todd Lee%s's Photo
    ^No doubt.

    You should ask yourself why all of your friends want to kill themselves? What's the common link between all of them??

    But seriously, how did you end up with a group of friends like that...
  • Aeroglobe%s's Photo
    Is it possible that they're doing it for the attention?
  • Cap'n Quack%s's Photo
    Maybe you are the cause.
  • Aeroglobe%s's Photo

    Maybe you are the cause.

    On the other hand... maybe not. :bandit:
  • mantis%s's Photo
    Well I severely doubt that all of them are being that serious...unless by 'all' you actually mean 'only'...
  • X250%s's Photo
    Hey, at least youv'e never had an ex-girlfriend like that... Geez was that awkward.

    Anyway, they are probably doing this for the attention, depression comes and goes- once they are over it they should be back to normal. In the unlikely event of one of them actually commiting suicide, don't take it the wrong way. Its their own problem that they cannot cope in this world, not yours.

  • CoasterForce%s's Photo
    Try to help them with their problems. I hope this is not one of those things where you say something like, "Uhh, my friend is really depressed, what should I do to help him" when you're the one that's really depressed. Just talk to them and see if you can help. If you are a true friend, you'll extend yourself out to them; you never know when you could need it in return.

    Like X250 said depression comes and goes. (Especially teenage) life is like a rollercoaster most of the time. Hopefully it's just a phase and maybe with your help they can get over it. Remind them that suicide, if they are that serious, is simply giving up, and that's not good. Help them out.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    The main problem with this is the 'all'. I guess you just need to clarify or something.
  • yyo%s's Photo

    trying to kill their selves 24 hours a day?

    Is it that hard for someone to kill themself?
  • GigaForce%s's Photo
    Tell them you found something that represents them, and send them this:

    Then tell them to wake the fuck up and get on with their lives, cutting out the stupid shit. (no pun intended)
  • yeshli2nuts%s's Photo

    Is it that hard for someone to kill themself?

    its not, but if its true that they are trying to kill themselves 24/7, then they really arent trying to kill themselves. people that try commiting suicide by cutting their wrists are either retarded or they dont really want to die but want the attention. if you want to kill yourself, just cut your fucking throat, it really pisses me off how people try so hard to get attention from people.

    Edited by yeshli2nuts, 15 November 2005 - 06:27 PM.

  • ECC%s's Photo
    Get them really fucked up and go bowling or some shit.

    Make them have a good time.
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    lol, you're fucked.
  • Scorchio%s's Photo

    Can I ask someone what to do if all of your friends are depressed and are trying to kill their selves 24 hours a day?

    Tell them to grow up and stop treating suicide like it's a fad. If they all really wanted to kill themselves, they'd be dead now.
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    Let them "kill themselves"
  • Jellybones%s's Photo
    Kill them.
  • natelox%s's Photo

    Can I ask someone what to do if all of your friends are depressed and are trying to kill their selves 24 hours a day?

    Get them help.
  • Carl%s's Photo
    Now by "friends", do you actually mean "you"? Just a hunch I had.


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