Fiesta! / Maybe Just...

  • Junya Boy%s's Photo

    All done.
    A tilt coaster going through some factory looking buildings, with slide covers and stuff. trying to get the hang of hacking some things in RCT3, with track overlay and zero clearance stuff with the options txt.

    Edit: Here's a Video I made a little while ago too,
    http://www.rctrenais...ilt Coaster.wmv

    Edited by Master Jay, 16 November 2005 - 11:44 AM.

  • RCTCA%s's Photo
    That video was really good. Keep it up. :kiss:

  • Rhynos%s's Photo
    That was a very nice coaster, indeed. I was surprised at how smooth the ride was compared to its looks.
  • cBass%s's Photo
    Cute video. I like the music.

    But I don't care for the coaster. Do tilt coasters usually have a station launch and two inversions before the tilt?
  • Junya Boy%s's Photo
    ^ i wouldn't know, i never have seen an actual one. i was just messing around.


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