(Archive) Advertising District / Mini Park

  • eman%s's Photo
    I decided to make a mini park. (25x25) I figure this way I'll get something completed, and I'm building this not really caring what others think of it (ironic since im advertising but w/e). Here's a teaser. I'll prolly post one or two more screens before posting, if even.

    Posted Image
    What's shown is the "Heatwave Historical Museum". AKA the result of 1/8 tile and art deco experimenting.

    All comments are appreciated as always.
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    interesting. i kind of like it.

    but i hate that path.
  • Xcoaster%s's Photo
    I really like it. It reminds me of art deco combined with Chinese buildings. Probably because of the colors.
  • inVersed%s's Photo
    Though they are out there, I really like the colors. It all really draws my attention to want to see more
  • RCFanB&M%s's Photo
    Like the colors you chose, very eye-catching. The building looks quite simple, but elegant and the foliage is really nice, it fits. I have one doubt...are those letters in the sign, chinese?

    Anyway, this is looking pretty good, keep going.
  • geewhzz%s's Photo
    I don't like the roof.
  • Ge-Ride%s's Photo
    I believe the proper term for a park that size is micro park. Nice teaser.
  • super rich%s's Photo
    Not bad, maybe a bit too small for a museum.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    It is a bit of an odd look but I do like the colours. I don't know if there are 1/8 tile skylights available, but if so then a couple of those might not go amiss.
  • Turtle%s's Photo
    I can't believe you're showing pictures of a 25x25 park.
  • Casimir%s's Photo

    I can't believe you're showing pictures of a 25x25 park.

    Then you have to have a problem, because he actually did it^^

    Looks neat, btw.
  • Milo%s's Photo

    I can't believe you're showing pictures of a 25x25 park.

    These days people would rather have their teeth pulled than download a park of any size without a screen. I guess they don't know what the recycle bin is for or something.

    As for the park, it looks good. I'm not sure about the flowers that are the same colors as the building though.
  • newk%s's Photo
    whatever happend to your design? i really liked that.
  • eman%s's Photo
    Wow, lots of comments.

    TracidEdge- Thanks. I think I'm gonna stick with that path, I just like the way it looks with custom railings.


    Inversed-Thank you.

    RcFan-The letters are plain old english, they say "Heatwave Historical Museum".

    Geewhzz- Fair enough. :)

    Ge-Ride- Micro, min, w/e, it's small. And thanks.

    SR- Thanks, it's small but for good reason.

    Mantis- Yea, I agree about the skylights. Unfortunately theres not really any 1/8 tile skylights or the like that I know of.

    Turtle- Eh, I'm a bit of an advertising whore I suppose.

    MiFuNe- Thanks.

    OLE- Eh, I like the flower coloring, it adds to the museum feel imo.

    Newk- Don't worry, the designs still being worked on. I just was getting a bit of a creative block for it, so I figured doing a little fantasy mini would help rejuvenate me for the design and other things as well.

    Progress is going good. I'd say it's around 50% right now. I'm thinking one more screen in a few days, then the release. :)
  • RCFanB&M%s's Photo

    RcFan-The letters are plain old english, they say "Heatwave Historical Museum".

    Really?...wait, are we talking about the same thing?...I'm talking about that little SIGN over the door of the building.
  • AquaMan%s's Photo

    Really?...wait, are we talking about the same thing?...I'm talking about that little SIGN over the door of the building.

    they are in english. if you look close enough you cane see it shows the "eatwave" of the Heatwave Historical Museum

    oh and about the teaser. I think you should add some flavor to the roof with maybe an airconditioner (it is HEATWAVE National Museum so I am thinking it is pretty hot there)

    Edited by AquaMan, 25 July 2006 - 06:28 PM.

  • eman%s's Photo
    Unfortunately there aren't any scenery pieces available for 1/8 tile roof detailing. And yea, the sign says Heatwave Historical Museum RcFan. Though to be honest, I can seee how you thought it was chinese letters at first, it does look like it at first glance.
    *Edit* Ventilation is being added. I figured out something. :)

    Edited by eman, 25 July 2006 - 11:01 PM.

  • Levis%s's Photo

    Unfortunately there aren't any scenery pieces available for 1/8 tile roof detailing. And yea, the sign says Heatwave Historical Museum RcFan. Though to be honest, I can seee how you thought it was chinese letters at first, it does look like it at first glance.
    *Edit* Ventilation is being added. I figured out something. :)

    I tought I made deco roofs ?
  • eman%s's Photo
    That link doesn't work Levis, it says the link is out of date or broken. If you did make art deco roofs, I'd be very interested to see them though.
  • Rohn Starr%s's Photo
    It's not broken eman, you need to be a member at RCT Revalutions to download it. Levis is one of the RCT Revalutions Family of Hosted Designers which requires membership to see those particular forums.


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