General Chat / The "speak another language" thread

  • man_kinen%s's Photo
    hi, i would to do am scenario, but i can't beacause i need to have all objects,

    i has downloaded a lot of trainers but only one can do dis function but... is'nt compatible with mi game.

    please help me, please.

    if you have any tutorial to do a big scenario,, please send me.


    si alguien habla español, mejor, mi ingles es muy malo....

    lo dicho, quiero hacer un escenario, pero no se ocmo puedo hacerlo, tengo mazo de objetos y me meto en el editor, pero me limita a unos pocos, entonces pense que podia crear elementos de un tipo guardarlo y despues canviar los tipos que acepta, pero primero que es muy lento y segundo que si he creado alguna atraccion, a l volver a abrirla con el editor, esta se me borra.

    gracias por la colaboracion
  • Rohn Starr%s's Photo
    You can't have all objects. There's no way to do that unless the game engine is completely reprogrammed. You'll just have to be very selective on what objects you want to include in your scenarios.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    haha, I think RCFanB&M could help in the language department, since he's from Argentina I think?

    Anyway, I'll give this a shot, even though it's been about five years since I took Spanish in high school. lol

    Debes saber que hay un limite de objetos en RCT 2. No puedes tener TODOS de los objetos como en RCT 1. Entonces, tienes que elegir los objetos que tu absolutemente necesitas, y olvidar los otros.

    Leyendo la parte español otra vez, creo que tu quieras cambiar algunos objetos a otros tipos? En RCT 2, hay dos tipos de objetos, los "grandes" (mas grande que un cuadrado por un cuadrado) y los "pequeños" (solo 1x1 o un quarto). Es possible cambiar los objetos pequenos a los objetos grandes. Toon lo hizo con su escenario de Pro Tour (mira los parques aqui. Pero no sé como hacer eso. No uso el "object editor" mucho.

    Si tu pregunta es si puedes tener todos los objetos en RCT 2 con un "trainer," la respuesta es no. Es imposible. Si tu quieres saber como cambiar objetos a otros tipos... necesitas usar el "object editor."

    Perdoname si no podria entender eso. Mi español es malo tambien! :lol:
  • man_kinen%s's Photo
    hola crock, para empeza felicidades por tus impresionantes montañas rusas, son perfectas!!

    mi problema es que quiero hacer un escenario y no puedo tener todos los elementos que necesito.

    por ejemplo quiero hacer uno tematico sobre "culturas" oeste, china, dinosaurios y mas, pero me es imposible hacerlo, necesito muchos ams elementos de los que me permite el juego.

    si miro los escenarios de los que hay en la web, veo que la gente usa mas elementos de los que esta permitido, como lo hacen?

    yo he probado de hacer unas casas, guardar el escenario y volver a abrirlo, canviar los elemntos y continuar construyendo otra tematizacion, la cosa funciona bien, el problema es si tengo una montaña rusa hecha, al querer modificar el escenario, las mntañas rusas edsaparecen...

    no hay algun pequeño tutorial ?

    como haceis estos aprques tan impresionantes?

    gracias por tu ayuda
  • mantis%s's Photo
    hahaha "crock". that's a new one croky :p
  • Emergo%s's Photo
    Es muy bueno que algunas personas hablan Espanol aqui.

    Pero....este es un website internacional y la lengua es Inglesa....

  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    That comes off as pretty patronizing and rude, Susanne. Besides, that's never stopped the Germans and Dutch from occassionally breaking out into German or Dutch with each other... in NE threads.

    Man Kinen, contestaré tu pregunta luego (pero tienes un ejemplo de uno de esos parques/escenarios?).
  • RCFanB&M%s's Photo

    GRACIAS A DIOS! ALGUIEN QUE HABLA ESPAÑOL! :D al fin puedo armar una respuesta sin tener que fijarme en el diccionario por algunos problemas de vocabulario.
    (Volviendo al tema), es verdad, Cork lo resumió todo...lamentablemente no se puede tener todos los objetos en un escenario. Yo, sinceramente, odio tener que estar tres horas con la tablita de los objetos seleccionando uno por uno (en el modo de selección avanzada por supuesto), me vuelve loco...pero no puedo hacer nada más. Supongo que tendrás que seleccionar lo más "apretadamente" que algo dificil, pero al final vas a ver que tendrás objetos suficientes. También te sugiero que "ahorres" lo más que puedas seleccionando, sobre todo con los arboles/flores etc...hay muchos que probablemente no querrás usar. También otra manera de ahorrar algunos items, es, por ejemplo:
    Como ya sabrás, la mayoría de los distintos tipos de paredes vienen en tres tamaños, altura mínima, altura media y altura completa...selecciona solo los de altura mínima, y con eso podras formar cualquiera de las tres medidas.
    Bueno, esas son mis sugerencias...espero que te hayan ayudado. :)

    BTW Cork, yes...I'm from Argentina.

    Edited by RCFanB&M, 03 August 2006 - 07:51 PM.

  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Side note: it's kinda funny reading something in another language and then realizing it's got typos. :lol:



    RCFanB&M dijo lo que iba a decir. Creo que esos parques solamente paracen tener mas elementos de los que esta permitido. En realidad, esas personas pasaron mucho tiempo elegiendo los objetos.

    Despues de un poco tiempo, algunas personas aprenden saber exactamente lo que necesitan. Tambien, hay algunos escenarios con "bueno objetos," como los parques de Pro Tour y Pro Tour 2. Ademas, si tu descarges (download? I looked that one up since I have no idea how to say 'download' in Spanish :lol: ) Blue Thunder o Batman Night Flyer, recibes 'columnas' (supports) de montañas rusa hecho por Toon. Son magnificentes, pero dificil de aprender usar.

    Mi sugerencia es comencer con el escenario de Pro Tour o Pro Tour 2, quitar los objetos que no necesitan, y insertar los objetos que te gusta. Hay un limite (me olvido quanto es para cada tipo), pero no puedes escapar este realidad. :lol:


    Man, Spanish is hard. And I have to resist the random French that wanders into my mind (since I took French this past semester). Oh well, decent practice for when I visit Barcelona in November. :D

    (btw, RCB&MFan, your English is pretty good! much better than my Spanish)
  • RCFanB&M%s's Photo
    Really? Thanks :D but I don't think is much better than your spanish, I clearly understood what you wrote.
    BTW..."Descargar" is spanish for "download" (just if you wanted to know)

    I have never used a PT scenario...I'll check them out, because that about selectioning the objects one by one is driving(sp?) me crazy. I hate to do that...for example, for Thrill Gardens I was like an hour for selecting ,carefuly, the objects, and while I was making the buildings and stuff, I still was changing some scenery, is a really tough work...I don't know you, but the "selecting" part is the worst while you make a park. And if someone releases a trainer which miraculously allows you to select all the objects, I'll be the first person to download it.


    Anyway, I want to say some things about my situation at NE, as an spanish speaker...well, not really my situation, I have some questions for you...

    1-Have you ever been on a forum where nobody speaked your language? I mean, a forum with a language which you knew enough for establishing a basic conversation.

    I'd like to know what you felt, because SOMETIMES, I can't express myself how I really want, and that's why there are SOME topics where I don't post...let's say is "uncomfortable" me.
    Anyway, honestly, since I started being an active member in NE, I have improved my english and I feel really good for that...I mean, don't you like to have the possibility of talking with people who speak another language?...I do, actually, when I started posting in english, etc, I was really excited (I hope that doesn't sound silly)...

    Anyhow...thanks Cork for the comment about my english.

    That's all I wanted to say :D

    Edited by RCFanB&M, 04 August 2006 - 01:02 AM.

  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    I've never been in that situation personally (hence why I thought catching Spanish typos was funny), but I probably should (especially for French). It'd certainly be intimidating for me, though, so I can understand how you might feel. I think if I got a certain grasp of the language, I might try it (for example, I'd be willing to try it in Spanish). In any case, it does take some guts to do what you're doing, so I commend you on that.

    Don't be afraid to "express how you really feel," whether it be in English or Spanish. If you make a mistake, someone may correct you. And besides, you can always use the "I didn't know what I was saying" card. It works for a good number of times. :p

    I'm glad NE is helping you improve your English. I've actually heard stories about stuff like that, where posting on a message board helped people learn a new language, or even develop certain types of social interaction skills.
  • RCFanB&M%s's Photo

    It'd certainly be intimidating for me, though, so I can understand how you might feel

    Maybe...but NOW...I feel much better than before, since I have improved my english. It's great, because you don't have to be asking the meaning of every phrase a member writes...
    Now, I feel like an english-speaker...I mean, I still have a lot to learn about speaking and writting, but I don't have almost any problem for reading...I understand every post a member makes here, but sometimes it gets hard to quote it.

    In any case, it does take some guts to do what you're doing, so I commend you on that.

    Thanks. :)

    Don't be afraid to "express how you really feel," whether it be in English or Spanish. If you make a mistake, someone may correct you. And besides, you can always use the "I didn't know what I was saying" card. It works for a good number of times. :p

    You just revealed that about the card :lol: ...I know that I don't have to be afraid, but it's just that there are some things that I really don't know how to say, get what I mean? Things that I have no idea of how to say...but those things are just a few...recently, I'm not having THAT MUCH language obstacles.

    I'm glad NE is helping you improve your English. I've actually heard stories about stuff like that, where posting on a message board helped people learn a new language, or even develop certain types of social interaction skills.

    It's basically practice. I lived in Brazil for 2 years, and I went to a school where everybody spoke portuguese, and I didn't know ANYTHING of portuguese...and 2 months later, I could talk that language perfectly...
    I have to admit that portuguese, even if you don't believe it, it's kinda similar to spanish, it has many similar words. Also, I don't want to sound arrogant, but I guess that learning languages is easy for's like a gift.

    I hope I have said everything clearly :p

    Edited by RCFanB&M, 04 August 2006 - 01:29 AM.

  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Well, Portuguese is DEFINITELY similar. Makes sense. The two countries are right next to each other! :lol:

    But learning Portuguese after speaking Spanish should be pretty easy. English is harder, so again, compliments on that.

    And with that, this has officially tuned into the "speaking a different language" thread. :D

    P.S. Como te llamas? No me gusta siempre necesitando escribir "RCFanB&M" :p
  • RCFanB&M%s's Photo
    Yeah, we're totally off topic :lol:

    I wouldn't say that learning portuguese is PRETTY easy, but yeah, it's not difficult.(for spanish speakers)

    Mi nombre en español es Juan. La traducción en inglés es John, me puedes llamar de cualquiera de las 2 formas.

    Just in case, my name is Juan. Juan is spanish for John.

    Edited by RCFanB&M, 04 August 2006 - 11:08 AM.

  • Emergo%s's Photo

    And with that, this has officially tuned into the "speaking a different language" thread. :D

    Da's mooi om te horen Albert, kan ik voortaan ook gewoon m'n babbels op deze site met jou, Ty, Hans, Levis etc. in't Nederlands houden :D

    Over deze:

    That comes off as pretty patronizing and rude, Susanne. Besides, that's never stopped the Germans and Dutch from occassionally breaking out into German or Dutch with each other... in NE threads.


    Ruw of bot kan ik dat nauwelijks noemen, als je ook nog de moeite neemt om dat te zeggen in de taal van de aangesprokene, die niet je eigen taal is (hetgeen uiteraard een vriendelijk gebaar naar een ander toe is...)
    Patronizing, daar zit wel wat in, maar ook niet meer dan wat jij zelf doet wanneer discussies in andere talen uit de hand lopen (ben te lui om de thread op te zoeken waarin je tot 3 keer toe Duitsers en Nederlanders tot de orde riep)
    Zelf ben ik er geen fan van om in m'n moedertaal te reageren op een site waar de voertaal Engels is en zal dat altijd beperken tot het hoogstnoodzakelijke/klein intern geintje, en meestal even de moeite nemen om het ook nog globaal te vertalen voor de meerderheid die geen 2 woorden buiten de grens (hun grens) spreekt......Dat had je desgewenst kunnen weten, i.p.v zelf als "super-patronizer" te reageren.......

    Zelf vind ik het altijd wel aangenaam als mensen mij helpen m'n talen te verbeteren (gratis cursus :D , tenzij ze natuurlijk alleen maar lullig doen en niet eens beseffen dat hun taal niet de jouwe is...) maar na deze reactie zal ik liever het puntje van m'n tong afbijten dan je bijvoorbeeld te vertellen waar je Frans de mist in gaat (Bandits-thread) want voor ik het weet krijg ik weer deze termen naar m'n hoofd... en trouwens, komende maanden in Frankrijk zul je het ongetwijfeld zelf snel genoeg oppikken... :)

    Very rough/oversight translation for non-Dutch-speakers:
    - disagreeing with Albert/Cork that my small post in Spanish was rude;
    - agreeing that it might be patronizing, but no more patronizing than he does himself when a discussion in another language than English gets on too long.

    and @ Juan: I guess learning/speaking English when your mothertongue is Spanish indeed is far more difficult than learning Portugese when your mothertongue is Spanish.
    Still, in my experience, even if one speaks Spanish, Portugese still is not really easy: at least it is/was not for me. learning French at a very young age, then Latin and from there Italian and Spanish was pretty easy for me. When later I got a Portugese friend I just thought: "this is so close to Spanish, must be very easy for me" way it was however...of course there are many rather simular words (but there even are in English and French and Spanish and Italian, they are all related in some way coming fom the same root), but I found Portugese distinghuisably different in many ways and did have severe problems mastering it (which btw I never did, because before that the love faded and with that my enthousiasm for the language... 8)
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    It came off as rude, Susanne. Not saying you meant it that way. But a lot of times, what you mean and how you appear end up being different things.

    Maybe that's why eman was "on your ass" about Kumba. :lol: :p

    (Aussi, parles-tu francais, Susanne, ou seulmente Néerlandais et anglais? espagnol?)

    Just in case, my name is Juan. Juan is spanish for John.

    And "Ivan" is Russian for "John." ;)

    (Yo sé Juan es John. Todo el mundo debe saber eso. :p Pero si tu nombre estaba... "Guillermo," necesitaría une tradución. :D)

    What the heck is Guillermo in English anyway??
  • mantis%s's Photo
    I thought it was meant to be like William? Not sure.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Maybe. Something very common. I learned "John," so who knows.

    EDIT: NVM You were referring to Guillermo being William, not Ivan. :lol:
  • RCFanB&M%s's Photo

    Da's mooi om te horen Albert, kan ik voortaan ook gewoon m'n babbels op deze site met jou, Ty, Hans, Levis etc. in't Nederlands houden :D

    Over deze: :

    Ruw of bot kan ik dat nauwelijks noemen, als je ook nog de moeite neemt om dat te zeggen in de taal van de aangesprokene, die niet je eigen taal is (hetgeen uiteraard een vriendelijk gebaar naar een ander toe is...)
    Patronizing, daar zit wel wat in, maar ook niet meer dan wat jij zelf doet wanneer discussies in andere talen uit de hand lopen (ben te lui om de thread op te zoeken waarin je tot 3 keer toe Duitsers en Nederlanders tot de orde riep)
    Zelf ben ik er geen fan van om in m'n moedertaal te reageren op een site waar de voertaal Engels is en zal dat altijd beperken tot het hoogstnoodzakelijke/klein intern geintje, en meestal even de moeite nemen om het ook nog globaal te vertalen voor de meerderheid die geen 2 woorden buiten de grens (hun grens) spreekt......Dat had je desgewenst kunnen weten, i.p.v zelf als "super-patronizer" te reageren.......

    Zelf vind ik het altijd wel aangenaam als mensen mij helpen m'n talen te verbeteren (gratis cursus :D , tenzij ze natuurlijk alleen maar lullig doen en niet eens beseffen dat hun taal niet de jouwe is...) maar na deze reactie zal ik liever het puntje van m'n tong afbijten dan je bijvoorbeeld te vertellen waar je Frans de mist in gaat (Bandits-thread) want voor ik het weet krijg ik weer deze termen naar m'n hoofd... en trouwens, komende maanden in Frankrijk zul je het ongetwijfeld zelf snel genoeg oppikken... :)

    WHAT? :lol:

    and @ Juan: I guess learning/speaking English when your mothertongue is Spanish indeed is far more difficult than learning Portugese when your mothertongue is Spanish.
    Still, in my experience, even if one speaks Spanish, Portugese still is not really easy: at least it is/was not for me. learning French at a very young age, then Latin and from there Italian and Spanish was pretty easy for me. When later I got a Portugese friend I just thought: "this is so close to Spanish, must be very easy for me" way it was however...of course there are many rather simular words (but there even are in English and French and Spanish and Italian, they are all related in some way coming fom the same root), but I found Portugese distinghuisably different in many ways and did have severe problems mastering it (which btw I never did, because before that the love faded and with that my enthousiasm for the language... 8)

    For me, the most difficul part on learning portuguese was the writting...I'll give you an example:

    Word: BOOK

    Spanish: libro
    Portuguese: livro


    Word: APPROVE

    Spanish: aprobar
    Portuguese: aprovar

    If in my country, I write "livro" ...everybody will call you donkey (I mean, the won't do that, but you know what I mean)
    Imagine that an english speaker writes "VOOK"...

    Edited by RCFanB&M, 04 August 2006 - 12:22 PM.

  • man_kinen%s's Photo
    muchas gracias a todos, lo de la medida minima me ha gutado mucho.

    otra pregunta, hay alguna manera de crear solo una casa y guardarla y despues llevarla a un ecenario?

    otra puedo crear solo una parte de escenario, luego jugar en el y cuando vuelvo a editar el escenarioa las montañas rusas sigan en su sitio?


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