RCT Discussion / The RCT design thread

  • Jappy%s's Photo

    Yup, the top left corner will have the gardens and an kiddie zone. I'm starting to doubt about the arrow suspended, might replace it with a spinning coaster

  • alex%s's Photo

    nahh arrow suspended all the way! with some nice supports! There is one at Chessington, so it's a good fit for the uk-park-with-manor-house thing.

  • Jappy%s's Photo

    But Alton, the main inspiration has Sonic Spinball... Maybe I'll do both. The coaster line-up could use another family coaster... Maybe I'll do something like Laff Trakk.

  • Liampie%s's Photo
    People should do Maurer coasters more often. I love their spinnings. Tarantula was incredible!
  • MCI%s's Photo

    nahh arrow suspended all the way! with some nice supports! There is one at Chessington, so it's a good fit for the uk-park-with-manor-house thing.

    I love vampire, but Dragons Fury, (Chessingtons Maurer Spinning-Coaster) is way better.

    Actually one of my favorite rides in the UK and IMO better than SonicSpinball (wich itself is a great ride)

  • Cocoa%s's Photo



    this doesn't go here but I just had an amazing idea, I want to make a park that uses all of the abandoned disney ideas people posted here, like an alternate reality disneyland. someone's probably thought of this before but I reckon its way cool

  • nin%s's Photo

    Dropping off a quick sketch from the start of the Olympics.


    Attached Image: Screen Shot 2016-06-09 at 2.05.13 AM.png

  • Austin55%s's Photo

    this doesn't go here but I just had an amazing idea, I want to make a park that uses all of the abandoned disney ideas people posted here, like an alternate reality disneyland. someone's probably thought of this before but I reckon its way cool

    That Tony Baxter stuff was really the reason I wanted to do the space area in Disneypunk. Things like the Spark Gap coaster were unbuilt Disney proposals. That Tomorrowland stuff is so amazing.
  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo


    Interchange for one of the Vermillion exits

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    That in LL!?

  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo

    Yeah.  Curved ramps will be a little iffy, but straights should look remarkably good.  I've still got all the tricks from that failed Streets of NY 2.0.  


  • csw%s's Photo

    I will vote 100% and spotlight if you can pull that off. 


    I probably will anyways, but that interchange alone would be impressive enough. 

  • Xeccah%s's Photo
    A project I'm doing after I finish my ncso park: https://i.imgur.com/pYbTftL.jpg
  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo

    That looks eerily similar to stuff I drew in 2007 for Nihombasa.  I've found it's better to figure out the RCT grid later and not tie myself down too much by visualizing buildings that already conform, but ymmv.  YOur NCSO stuff takes a lot of pre-planning per tile and it might pay off to think about what combo of track layering or whatever else it is you need to make the structure work.

  • pierrot%s's Photo

    Really hope to see you pull it off curved highway in LL.

  • Jappy%s's Photo

    A project I'm doing after I finish my ncso park: https://i.imgur.com/pYbTftL.jpg

    Looks promising! But let's be honest, we're never going to see that NCSO project finished! :p
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    Guaranteed it looks identical to all your other work.
  • dr dirt%s's Photo
    Problem with that is its drawn with RCT in mind.. might as well have done that in game


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