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  • Flap%s's Photo
    @Nin, I love that Entrance! small but it has something!
    Your fountian is great as well!

    @SuicideCarz, I don't like the combination Woods and Steel,
    Maybey you should decide whats it going to be.

    @JDP i agree with you, Nothing special saw and did it many times before.

    @The other ones thank you, put a lot of work into it.
    I will put some more Details into it but i was wondering how the reactions was on this small theming section.
    @Luigi i will use the own all land by the end! First work on the Design itself, than fix the details is my opinion.
  • geewhzz%s's Photo
    the screens nin and robbie showed recently are two of the best uses of trackitecure in recent memory
  • JDP%s's Photo
    im digging it nin. so simple but its very nice
  • musicman%s's Photo
    @Flap: I think the steel supports are supposed to be cables, a lot of wooden coasters use them actually.

    @SuicideCarz:The "cables" (if that's what they are) may look better in grey.
  • Fizzix%s's Photo
    I'm really liking that fountain nin. Just reminds me why you're one of my favorite builders.
  • Cena%s's Photo

    I tihnk that's fantastic. Walls to protect from the rocks = wonderful idea.

    He isn't the first one to pull that off, have seen it multiple times before.
  • Hex%s's Photo

    @SuicideCarz:The "cables" (if that's what they are) may look better in grey.

    That's what I was trying to pull off. Thanks, musicman.
  • Flap%s's Photo

    That's what I was trying to pull off. Thanks, musicman.

    I'm sorry then, didn't get that straight.
    Now it looses the Effect i guess.
  • inVersed%s's Photo
    Damn thats a lot of popcorn. And what are those two peeps looking at? haha

    Great screen nin
  • JDP%s's Photo
    "a new ride being built"

    trackitecture, meet peeps
  • zburns999%s's Photo
    That fountain kicks ass, nin.

    Really nice screens from Flap and suicidecarz, also.
  • Timothy Cross%s's Photo

    "a new ride being built"

    trackitecture, meet peeps

    he,he. Yeah. They should also have a message like this:

    "Ignorance is bliss."
  • TwistedSteel77%s's Photo
    This is a Stand-Up coaster I've been working on called "The Great Nor'Eastern." (Name inspired by the coaster of the same name at Wildwood, NJ haha.) I'm still pretty much getting used to building supports and I still gotta finish (basically the whole left side of the screen) but I'd like to hear some thoughts! :)

    Posted Image
  • musicman%s's Photo
    Looks like a decent start, add catwalks and flanges on the supports.
  • TwistedSteel77%s's Photo
    Oh that's right, i still gotta add catwalks. Thanks for the reminder!
  • tdub96%s's Photo
    It doesnt look to bad as far as colors go, just throw some more low-life shrubbery around the forest edge there to make it look more natural.

    And its the Great Nor'Easter, referring to the storm.
  • Flap%s's Photo
    @Twisted Steel: Were are the Footers? i missing them on some of the supports.
  • TwistedSteel77%s's Photo
    tdub96- Ah! I didn't mean to add an "N" on the end, haha. Thanks for catching that.

    Flap- You're right. I'll fix that as soon as I can.
  • Super G%s's Photo
    Maybe you can add connecters to, becouse some of the supports are not totally touching the track. And I don't like your foliage, try to put some more coulour in it.
  • ParadiseCoaster%s's Photo
    Gonna need some help with this, got a lack of inspiration.

    Posted Image

    Would be appreciated if someone could support it, cause I litterally suck at it...


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