General Chat / What was your last big purchase?

  • Marshy%s's Photo
    What was the last thing you've purchased? You can post it here, but only big purchases count so don't go post that you've just bought a hamburger at McDonalds or sth.

    Mine was a pair of wharfedale diamond 9 speakers, got them for £105 which i thinks pretty good:

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  • zodiac%s's Photo
    LG Envy for my sister's birthday: around $300.
  • posix%s's Photo
    too much in fact.
  • Casimir%s's Photo
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  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    A new bat for baseball.
  • Ling%s's Photo
    A car cigarette lighter/converter head, some wire strippers/cutters, and electric tape. To fix my laptop's car charger. I think it as $40 or so.
  • penguinBOB%s's Photo
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    no trade in either :( ~$360

    Edited by penguinBOB, 14 July 2007 - 09:53 PM.

  • Jellybones%s's Photo
    A printer/scanner combo thing. Actually that was only 40 dollars. Go Target!

    I never spend big money. Unless you count the Wilco shows I saw (2 nights - $85 in tickets, $40 in posters, $30 in parking for the first night, $60 in bus fare after the second night, and $5 on a cup of Ben & Jerry's...jesus that's $220 but it was very worth it).
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    Major guitar rig upgrades + putting together a once-trashed guitar for a friend (and a Fender, but anyway).

    Power supplies for my petals: ~$65

    Vox V847 Wah: $65 (used)
    DeArmond Volume Petal: $45 (used & ancient)
    Keeley Compressor: $220 (newed and expensive)
    Carl Martin Surf Tremolo: $80
    Electro Harmonix Small Stone Phaser: $80

    So that comes to close to $500 in petals alone.

    There goes my open house money... Well to that and Lollapalooza... Where Modest Mouse and My Morning Jacket conflict... I'm beside myself.

  • eman%s's Photo
    New Zune.
  • Xcoaster%s's Photo
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    I must destroy Superman!
  • chapelz%s's Photo
    I made my big purchases for the year with my graduation money; an 8GB iPhone and a 2.2GHz 15" MacBook Pro.
  • Jellybones%s's Photo

    Major guitar rig upgrades + putting together a once-trashed guitar for a friend (and a Fender, but anyway).

    Power supplies for my petals: ~$65

    Vox V847 Wah: $65 (used)
    DeArmond Volume Petal: $45 (used & ancient)
    Keeley Compressor: $220 (newed and expensive)
    Carl Martin Surf Tremolo: $80
    Electro Harmonix Small Stone Phaser: $80

    So that comes to close to $500 in petals alone.

    There goes my open house money... Well to that and Lollapalooza... Where Modest Mouse and My Morning Jacket conflict... I'm beside myself.


  • Richie%s's Photo
    set of avo coilovers, adjustable suspension for my car £550...
    blew £50 on alcohol clubbin last nite does that count?
    £270 on a pair of bucket seats to go in my car..
  • Marshy%s's Photo
    Well, seeing as though GTA4 and Gran Turismo 5: Prologue ( are being released later this year, as well as MGS4, i'm getting closer and closer to buying a PS3.
  • eman%s's Photo

    set of avo coilovers, adjustable suspension for my car £550...
    blew £50 on alcohol clubbin last nite does that count?
    £270 on a pair of bucket seats to go in my car..

    50 on alch!? Makes me glad I live on the other side of the pond. ;)
  • Loopy%s's Photo

    Well, seeing as though GTA4 and Gran Turismo 5: Prologue ( are being released later this year, as well as MGS4, i'm getting closer and closer to buying a PS3.

    So many people slag it off but to be honest, Ive had more enjoyment from it than the wii and the 360.
  • Marshy%s's Photo
    Yeah i really want one. I'm a bit bored of Wii's and 360's simply because most people have them nowadays, and in a way i want a PS3 to be different (as well the games that are being released soon). I was tempted by a 360 because of Forza and Lost Planet, and the Wii because of the fun you can have with friends.
  • Loopy%s's Photo
    Make sure you get Resistance: Fall of Man if you get one. One hell of a game.
  • Xcoaster%s's Photo
    Yesterday I saw a Wii for the first time in a store (I haven't really been looking, mind you), so I might get one soon.


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