(Archive) Advertising District / bum dum, ba dum dum

  • Phatage%s's Photo
    A married couple of two very successful corporate lawyers (mainly pharmacutical) had taken into possession a rather large parcel of land not too far outside of Manhattan, located in the approaching sloping lands of the Appalachian Mountains. They originally planned to leave their unholy jobs in attempts to start up an "Ancient Greek Reservation", where they could give back to the society that they had stolen so much from by providing the public with a hotel resort that would simulate what Ancient Greece was like in its prime. The hotel portion of the land was built on a manmade island in the lake on the property and was themed to appear like the Greek island of Santorini, and surrounding the lake were hills with overhauled landscaping along with temples, shops, gathering places, a dormant volcano, and even an acropolis.

    However, few Americans really cared to make the trip out to the reservation, and with the overly generous admission that was charged the park was not successful. The lawyers were forced to continue their day jobs, and thus anything that they were giving back to society was canceled out. They fell into despair and came to the belief that they were forever destined to be a detriment to society no matter their intentions.

    Time passed.

    Years later the couple had met the acquaintance of a rather unusual client. The company was none other than Six Flags, and they were under heavy fire for a young male having his tongue severed on a ride at one of their California location. The couple settled the company out of court as to avoid too much media coverage, and as a measure of gratification the two received permanent season passes.

    On their first trip to Six Flags in New Jersey the two were instantly hooked on roller coasters; they admired their beauty, highly respected the engineering behind them, but most of all they fell in love with the concept of a roller coaster. Fun. That's it. Fun. They were also inspired by the parks horrible operations and the irony of such fun, well engineered thrill machines belonging to a place that seemed to be just as bad for its guest as the lawyers were to society. The inspiration proved to be much, much more than the overnight dissolving enchantment that most receive at amusement parks.

    They got the idea that if they could offer the public these coasters in a friendly environment, it would be heaven, or should I say Olympus, on earth. The idea seemed crazy at the time, and they thought it'd be funny if they purchased RCT (the triple pack of the original three games was what they decided to pick up off the shelves of Target) and tried to see what it would look like in simulation.

    Years passed and eventually the husband got addicted to the game. He went to purchase the other games and succeeded in beating every single scenario. After that, he came across a site called New Element, to which he explored every single park on the site for all the games. At first everything dazzled him, the things people were doing were unbelievable. After a while, he had read up many accounts of the game's parkmaking history and whatnot, and he developed an uttermost respect for one parkmaker in particular. This parkmaker was brilliant. He never released something without full inspiration oozing out of every tile. It brought tears to the husband's eyes. Maybe with this parkmaker, their dream of giving back could come true.

    So they gave me an email. And I decided that their reservation would be a perfect place for all of this as the coasters I would design for the place (with the respective companies subsequently turning those designs into reality) would fit into the landscape perfectly. They would be the physical representation of the Greek Gods, one aspect that before the couple could not recreate but had always wanted.

    And so I've been drafting this for a while now, over a year definitely. There is no deadline, they want me to take my time, and have even given me the money to travel to Athens and Santorini for inspiration. I just came back yesterday.

    Some of you have seen this already, and the couple has given me the go ahead to show all of you because they feel that the quality of parks here has been diminishing for a while.

    So if this seems conceited, get mad at them and don't shoot the messenger.

    Posted Image

    oh yeah and not even this screen is anywhere near finished
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    I don't like the supports or the schwartzkopf track. Otherwise it's a decent screen.
  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    Well its brilliant.
  • zodiac%s's Photo

    I don't like the supports or the schwartzkopf track. Otherwise it's a decent screen.

    This is LL, you know. It's the best he can do.

    And yet he does it better. Those are some of the most realistic supports I've ever seen in LL. I agree with Gwazi, it's brilliant.
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    god damnit yes.
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    I understand that, but on the main hill supports its bendy for some reason, it just looks strange.
  • Milo%s's Photo
    oh look... it's my supports trick =P

    nice job... i do seem to remember this from somewhere....
  • Fr3ak%s's Photo
    wow, this is huge.
    The catwalks, are so nice all the rest, too :)
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    I remember a screen of the bunny hill (not hop mind you) in your sig. a while back.

    Fucking amazing support work by the way, the lift hill looks perfect; the turn looks oversupported though... Maybe cut down on the larger support style some there... It just seems like too much.

    But this is seriously promising in a way that no LL park has been in years (probably since WOMB actually, though BGSS was up there too).

  • John%s's Photo
    Some of the horizontal support work seems overdone on the lift hill. The top supports would be fine with just the bottom horizontal support, and the slanted supports would be fine with just the top horizontal one. As it stands, it looks a little messy. Nevertheless, the rest looks very nice.
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    love the story, love the screen. amazing. it is overdone but in a way that makes it appealing and more fun. to be honest, i wouldn't feel the need to feel all of that grass up, it looks really nice bare as it is. some themeing/buildings on the right and bottom (just right of centre) and i think this would be perfect.
  • Turtle%s's Photo
    fuck knows if it's any good. i think it's refreshing.
  • Panic%s's Photo
    Make that coaster's length earn its height (prob. 7000+ feet) while still being realistic and Intaminesque in element selection and size towards the end and it will be perfect.
  • Tornado6%s's Photo
    I know it's the best he can do in LL but on the turnaround, it's rather ugly (no offense). Otherwise, it looks good.
  • Phatage%s's Photo
    thanks guys, panic I thought you've seen the entire layout already?
  • Panic%s's Photo
    Never mind. It is a good layout.

    Edit: Perhaps another out-and-back "arm" before the final brake run wouldn't go amiss, if only to take care of the unbanked turn right before the brakes and the fact that it hits the brakes with a lot of speed. Maybe it could extend off in the direction that, from the perspective of a guy sitting in the train in the station and spinning around to look directly behind him, would extend off to the left of the brake run and behind it, making the layout approximate the shape of a backwards "tau" symbol.
  • Fatha'%s's Photo
    I appreciate the effort and creativity, but it really does look ugly. Well, the supports mostly. The Intamin track actually looks really tight. And its got great size, which is a plus.
  • Phatage%s's Photo
    Panic I would agree with you on other types of coasters but I think I got it right with this one, element wise I wanted to match MF in number and if I could I would have the train hit the brakes at 65 even... ideally that last overbanked would be probably 1.5 times as high as it is now but I can't do that here, I guess I'll just have to wait for IntaRide to design the ride based off of my general layout.

    Fatha I had tried thinner supports before but they appeared to be too thin for the number of supports I was able to fit in there, so I opted for the wider supports for a greater factor of safety.

    Oh yeah and deano the landscaping will be the toughest part of this, it will hopefully appear barren but have a lot of bushes, so hopefully when I do it the landscaping won't appear or feel different from what it is in the screen but definitely be different.
  • lucas92%s's Photo
    The supports are pretty good. However I'm not a fan of the coaster surrounding...
  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo
    er... wow.
    that's some crazy stuff, all right.
    as stated the curve is over-supported, and i think you'd be better off doing this
    instead of this
    with the lift supports. landscaping will be an issue, indeed...
    are you trying to do 4-rail Intamin track? if so, there are definitely better ways to do it.. stacked / crossed mini or schwarzkopf probably.. You could also do three- rail with schwarzkopf and single-rail underneath.
    of course i could be completely mistaken and the 4-rail track is actually how you're imitating overbanks by having the train switch to inverted track banked in the opposite direction of the turn.


    i really ought to start using some of my ideas. ._.


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