Ask the Experts / Reinstalling RCT on another computer

  • jerry348%s's Photo
    My old computer has windows 98, my new one has vista. When i installed RCT on my new one and copied over my saved games, my name does not show up on each of my completed scenarios but the company value does. An example of one of mine is "Crumbly Woods: Completed by ? with a Company Value of $57,778.

    I am assuming it is somewhere in the registry, but i searched and found nothing. Does anyone know where it is so I can put my name in?

  • hobbes%s's Photo
    Maybe resave the park?
  • posix%s's Photo
    first off, well done getting rctll to work under vista without asking how to do it.
    about your problem, i don't think it can really be "restored". you didn't save your scenarios right before the end date would come, did you?
  • jerry348%s's Photo

    you didn't save your scenarios right before the end date would come, did you?

    No, I always saved right after to make sure my hard work paid off. But now i have a new idea. I went back on my old computer and completed a scenario and typed in a bogus name. I searched for that name and found nothing, but it has to be stored somewhere. I think it must be in hex in a binary value in the registry. The problem is, when I search the registry, it passes up the value data for the binary values. It will only find data in strings. Does anyone know how to search in the binary values as well?
  • posix%s's Photo
    maybe levis or darkfire will know. they have both explored rct on the technical level.
  • Levis%s's Photo
    I only work with rct2 ... but if I'm right there should be a file in your scenarios or savegame folder or data folder which holds the data for the finnished scenarios ... but indeed it seems like the names are stored elsewhere :( .
    every binary code or hex code can be transfered to ASCII (which are what you read right now) so if you search for a ASCII (what you did) you should find it if it is in binarie or hex. but probally rctll compressed the data (like it does with savegames) and thats why you wont find it ... only if you can understand the way of compressing (which doctor J explains on his site) you may be able to find this with a search .... else I think you can better just live with this ...


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