Music Forum / Reason

  • penguinBOB%s's Photo
    So I got Reason recently and have been messing around with it quite a bit. I've got the basics down and made a few songs. The cheesy one doesn't need lyrics, but the other one could use some (I want to find an a capella version of You Make Me Feel Like Charity by The Knife and put those over it). Check it, tell me what you think:
  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo
    It's the equivelent of people building an entrance gate to a park and posting a picture of it. You've got a drum beat, and a chord (a term I'm using loosely here) every 2-3 beats.

  • penguinBOB%s's Photo
    Thanks for saying that, honestly. What can I do to make it more than the chord change every so often? Is it more of a get to terms with the song, visualize it, form out harmonies and melodies as well as song structure and make it feel less 'plopped out?' I've been working on a shoegaze one for a while, it's for the most part done, but without any real melody or 'actual' hooks--which I guess would be a huge part of it. I'm new to actual songwriting, not helping with it or playing it--it's a different feeling I guess.

    Edited by penguinBOB, 17 August 2007 - 11:58 PM.

  • twister12%s's Photo
    what is reason?
  • penguinBOB%s's Photo
    it's like fruity loops mixed with pro tools or some shit.
  • Silenced%s's Photo
    those drums hurt me inside. too much reverb, no bass presence. really bad recording, if it was one. but yeah, MA is right.
  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo
    Basic music theory would help, honestly. If you know what makes a complete sounding phrase, you can make a song sound like it has some motion to it. And yes, a melody would help.

    all you need to know: I - V - I. The roman numerals stand for the number of the scale and the chord built off of it.Since guitar players like D, that would be a D chord, an A chord, and then a D chord. Makes a complete phrase, although uninteresting.

    So for a C scale, the roman numerals would be:

    I- C
    ii- d minor
    iii- e minor
    IV- F
    V - G
    vi- a minor
    vii- b minor
    I- C

    Common musical phrases:
    I-IV-V- I

    If you want to hve two musical phrases interacting, like a question and answer, have the first end on V, and the second end on I.
    I-ii-V, I-ii-V-I

    Just fool around with a keyboard, and you'll hear it soon enough.
  • penguinBOB%s's Photo
    I tried to make the Got To Have You Babe song sound like it was underwater and horribly faded, that's why it was like that.
    I knew the roman numerals and what the chords they correspond to, but didn't know anything about the common phrases. I found out that chord phrase at the beginning of the song is the same as those to Octopus's Garden and a ton of mushy pop songs from the 50's and 60's. I put that song together as quick as possible to get a feel of the program... I like the other one better, but there's not too much to it.
  • twister12%s's Photo
    where can you get this program?
  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo
    Posted Image
    Found my old music theory notebook. This shows all the somewhat normal chord progressions. iii is almost never used, and I wouldn't suggest it. I can lead to any chord.

    Also, for the question answer type thing I mentioned before, you can also end the first phrase on vi.
  • penguinBOB%s's Photo
    So I have a new song. It's a bit of a remix of Chopin's Prelude no. 20 (the one in Cmin that's in the John Thompson level 3 piano books). I also remixed a song my friend was working on.


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