(Archive) Place-To-Release-Your-Parks Land / Grizzly (LL)

  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    Kumba says the coaster was slow, the buildings dull, and the atmosphere didn't quite make up for that. But whatever, I'm still proud of it. I can't help but wonder if I woulda won CC though (since its got the cobra roll thingy).

    Posted Image

  • RCTCA%s's Photo
    Darn, I'm dissapointed it lost. Anywho very nice design Gwazi, heh, I'm in it too. :p Looking forward to seeing more design from you, keep trying. :mantis:
  • Milo%s's Photo
    it was a shame to see this get turned down but I agreed that this wasn't Design worthy... it was decent work but just didn't really have anything great in it to elevate it to the level Designs usually are... I thought the coaster was good but the theming wasn't great... I didn't really like how the coaster just went out into the middle of nowhere either

    it's good to see more LL work from you but I know you can do better
  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    The coaster was supposed to go into the middle of nowhere, that's what the wilderness is. Practically. Meh.
  • Milo%s's Photo
    yea but you should have actually themed it like an area rather than just the coaster... and the idea just didn't carry itself well anyway because it just isn't interesting enough
  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo
    I actually really liked the park portion. the buildings built into the cliff and the path area leading up to them were nice, an the general feel was pleasant. The salmon jumping was the kind of touch that makes things high quality.... but salmon are famous for jumping UPstream, not down. The coaster was meh. I'm not convinced the cobra roll was worth it. The supports for it were meh as well. Generally the layout was slow and offered little anticipation. it kept up a pretty constant speed through the second half, but just constant speed alone is rarely enough to make a ride exciting. I can see why it didn't make design, but Grizzly is nicely done.
  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    Yeah the salmon was rather last-minute, so I didn't worry too much about which way they were going. Otherwise I would have cleared that up for you, Loopy. :)


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