(Archive) Place-To-Release-Your-Parks Land / RCTCompetion Community Competition

  • tyandor%s's Photo
    This project started around the beginning of 2004 at rctcompetiton. For some reason I don't know I never uploaded the result of the final round. The idea behind this competition was a growing park. I started out with building a small leisure park with some small fair rides and a small side friction. Next up was a competion to let the park progress to a real amusement park. The competiton lasted for 10 rounds (could have been more though, but I had some other things at that time to worry about). Every round I gave out a certain landpatch which was the building space. Every round had a certain thing that had to be build, like a small ride, coaster, entrance, etc.
    The first round's objective was to build a Corkscrew and a new entrance for the park. I always tried to keep the rounds small which meant the next round was every 2-3 weeks depending on what the objective was.

    Sorry for the rapidshare, but if someone else can upload it to a more conveniant spot it would be nice.

  • SenZ%s's Photo
    I remember this and I have it on my computer. Loved the idea, too bad it never really finished :)


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