General Chat / The Alcohol Appreciation Thread

  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo

    But also because Red Bull is disgusting.

    Them's fighting words.
  • Kevin Enns%s's Photo
    Red Bull is just the most famous because it was the first energy drink.

    If they made it the same size (473 ml) as other ones, and not in that tinyass can from five years ago, and charged the same price $3.38 with tax, then it'd be alright.

    I like Rockstar Roasted and Java Monster, i.e., the coffee flavorted ones best, but I also like most others.
  • ACEfanatic02%s's Photo

    I would say never mix energy drinks into your cocktails. That's a good way to get a heart attack if your cardiac system isn't top notch. So Jager Bomb... not cool.


    Even worse is my friend's insistence on mixing pot and alcohol. Excellent way to kill yourself if you're not careful.

  • Highball%s's Photo

    Had my first Jager Bomb (Jagermeister + Red Bull) the other day. Holy crap, those things are weird. On one side, you start to feel energetic, but on the other end you start feeling a little woozy after three or four. I think I'll stick to Jack & Coke, wine, and beer.

    And MA, I don't think it's an aquired taste. Budweiser, Busch, Miller, etc. taste like crap. Sam Adams tastes good. It's that simple. And yes, I do like (white) wine and other things, too. I only drink on occasion, though (Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc.), or if it's offered.

    ive had some pretty crazy nights because of jager bombs. theyre good, easy, and pretty strong. my beer of choice is sam adams or red stripe. i usually go with sam adams and i always keep some in my fridge. im not sure if anyones heard of or tried it, but savannah has the moon river brewery which makes some damn good beer. i think their savannah fest is the best. my new favorite liquor is firefly sweet tea vodka. add a little water to it and you dont taste the alcohol. thats dangerous for me because i can down some sweet tea now.

    and yeah blitz, irish car bombs are awesome. theres this irish restaurant downtown which makes the best icb's ive ever had.
  • Blitz%s's Photo


    Even worse is my friend's insistence on mixing pot and alcohol. Excellent way to kill yourself if you're not careful.


    No, it's just an easy way to get spins. It MIGHT be dangerous for someone like me whose reaction to weed is that of HEIGHTENED anxiety instead of LOWERED anxiety, but even then alcohol really dulls it to tell ya the truth, speaking from experience. Really though, they are best enjoyed separately.

    And jager bombs aren't jager bombs unless done with rockstar. Monster is an ok substitute, but NEVER red bull.

    highball: adding water to a vodka? I know you throw a bit of water in scotch to open it up, but never heard of vodka being treated that way, weird.
  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo

    Red Bull is just the most famous because it was the first energy drink.

    If they made it the same size (473 ml) as other ones, and not in that tinyass can from five years ago, and charged the same price $3.38 with tax, then it'd be alright.

    I like Rockstar Roasted and Java Monster, i.e., the coffee flavorted ones best, but I also like most others.

    As explained to me by one of their reps (great source, I know) The 8.3oz can that they sell is the average amount that your body can actually absorb. Makes sense, really. I mean, why 8.3? Then you got the other companies throwing out the larger ones, because Americans will buy them. I saw a 32oz can of Monster when I was traveling this summer. Nobody needs that.
  • RRP%s's Photo


    Even worse is my friend's insistence on mixing pot and alcohol. Excellent way to kill yourself if you're not careful.


    I enjoy mixing pot and alcohol,you get the best of both worlds but its also much more intense when they both come together.Ive had many a night stoned,then sober, then drunk in the space of half an hour

    Otherwise, I got a drink recipe book a while back and I've since been experimenting with mixed drinks. Given my somewhat limited selection of ingredients, so far my best results have probably been a Canadian blackberry fizz and various girly peach flavored drinks.

    You should try a sloe gin fizz or a regular gin fizz with your own choice of puréed fruit.Incredibly easy to make and obtain the ingrediants
  • Brent%s's Photo
    Went out to Mill Ave next to ASU with an old friend from 4th & 5th grade... got nice and drunk, lol.... sad too, all we had were... wait. I think 6 beers and a shot of Cuervo, and she downed something with Jaeger that was pretty good (no, not a bomb). She threw up 1) in front of the fountain 2) on the freeway) 3) in her carport and I'm sure a fourth time once I left her apt....
  • Highball%s's Photo

    highball: adding water to a vodka? I know you throw a bit of water in scotch to open it up, but never heard of vodka being treated that way, weird.

    yeah i know it sounds wierd, but thats actually a suggested way of drinking it. i probably would have just shot it if a buddy of mine hadnt told us about watering it down. i really suggest checkin this stuff out.
  • FullMetal%s's Photo
    Speaking of vodka... Screwdrivers, anyone? Good stuff, although I'm not a huge fan of vodka. A shot of Dark Eyes and a large glass of orange juice is the only way I'll drink one.

    Piña Colada has to be my all-time favorite mixed drink, though.
  • Kevin Enns%s's Photo

    As explained to me by one of their reps (great source, I know) The 8.3oz can that they sell is the average amount that your body can actually absorb. Makes sense, really. I mean, why 8.3? Then you got the other companies throwing out the larger ones, because Americans will buy them. I saw a 32oz can of Monster when I was traveling this summer. Nobody needs that.

    Okay, so 8.3oz (is that the 200 or 300 ml right?) can doe sthe maximum. Bigger sizes are just for taste. Maybe I just love energy drinks flavor and don't care about the energy (seriously, I drank so much in Gr12 they honestly didn't affect me at all, but I still bought 1+ per was not an issue back I drink less). And therefore Red Bull should at least charge less, and I have seen it for more just b/c it's the original. It's not bad tasting, actually, one time some Red Bull reps came into my work and gave us all like 2 free ones so that was good.

    Yeah, Monster and Rockstar each have a 710 ml (c. 14 oz?) variety, which I get on a rare occassiono of the Montser (I prefer Monster > Rockstar, but I like the coffee ones better than either! because I like cold coffee-based beverages!!), but there are apparently 32ozers I have seen them on the Internet but not reality, but apparently it's a different flavor and it tastes like shitty piss. I don't know if Rockstar has a 32oz.

    One time my friend said, "Kevin, why not drink 3 energy drinks in one day?" I said, "I'm not an aristocrat, I can't afford that" (only the second part, actually). He said, "Okay, I'll buy one, you buy one, and my other friend'll buy one (I'm not using namess)." I said w/e and then my other friend bought one, so I had 4 Lost Five-O Energy+Juice (used to be my favorite one, btw Lost is owned by Monster I believe) cans, so that's 1892 mL of energy, and I drank them in 1/2 hour before school, so that was good and actually woke me up fucking hardcore, and I felt compltely fine, so, as expected, the warning lable on the can DID play better than safe sorry, but I guess that's a good thing.

    Anyways, nobody NEEDS than much energy, but people do WANT it.

    Anyways, enough of this, it's the ALCOHOL appeciation thread (not the ENERGY DRINK appreciation thread) and I can't comment on that because I'm not a minor.

    Carribean rum punch is good.

    Fucking poltergeists.......
  • Evil WME%s's Photo
    For some reason, screwdrivers are extremely dangerous to me. Vodka has no taste. Orange juice is something I drink a lot of. When I mix the two I only remember drinking one glass of 'alcohol' (if it is that many), and i'm left with an empty carton and an empty bottle.. It's far from special, though: It's the easy way out for me when i just want to get drunk (for which the combination works quite well, if you're wondering).

    I'm not sure why we're having an alcohol appreciation thread, i appreciate alcohol when i'm drinking it.. and hardly when i'm not. And to be fair, at these forums are a lot of kids, and alcohol is the drug that one should be most careful with. It is completely accepted in our society and much worse than loads of drugs that are not. It is highly addictive. The only reason why it isn't as addictive as nicotine is again, society, which doesn't really accept people drinking in the morning. And possibly that the effect of alcohol is much greater, even though the effect diminishes greatly over time (which, as with most drugs, is part of the reason why it is dangerous). I scared myself a couple of times the past few weeks, enjoy your drinks but keep your head.
  • JKay%s's Photo
    ^I agree with here WME, as usual. Alcohol can truly fuck up your life if you don't control it and set your own rules when you do use it. The one lesson I've learned since I arrived in Florida is that you don't drink and drive, ever, no matter how much you drank or how good of a driver you think you are. A DIU can ruin your life, literally and I've met enough people that have gotten trouble with it that I'm not even going to take the risk anymore which is why I walk to all my drinking locations. And whoever said that pot + alcohol is a deadly combination is smoking some crack because it's not.
  • FullMetal%s's Photo

    I've met enough people that have gotten trouble with it that I'm not even going to take the risk anymore which is why I walk to all my drinking locations.

    I've heard that you can still can arrested even if you walk. They'll nail you for being drunk in public, or something like that.

    On the issue of underage consumption of alcohol, I know my limits, and I drink only on occassion (e.i. holidays, family parties) or when offered. My parents also know when I've had my fill of drinks, which isn't really that much compared to everyone else in the family. I don't drink when I go do stuff with my friends because I have a vague feeling that Me + My Friends + Alcohol = Police. Hell, we don't even need alcohol to get the police, so I'm not taking any chances.
  • Brent%s's Photo
    Yeah you can still get arrested for being drunk in public.... I've never seen it happen though. The cops have just laughed and kept walking from what I've seen in Vegas and Mill Ave.
  • Kevin Enns%s's Photo

    And to be fair, at these forums are a lot of kids, and alcohol is the drug that one should be most careful with.

    As a "kid," let me assure you that nothing you say in here will ever peer pressure me to do anything, because I can not recall ever doing something against my better judgement, because I really don't give a FLYING FUCK what other people think. It honestly upsets me when people say, "Kid'll see this and do it," because that's bullshit, and I'm not just talking about alcohol.
  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo
    A drunk in public charge is something like $150-200.

    A DUI, when all is said and done, will cost you upwards of $10,000; fines, mandatory classes and counciling, community service, loss of license, loss of jobs, etc. Future jobs ask on the application if you've ever had a DUI... Plus there's that whole increased probability of death thing.
  • MachChunk 3%s's Photo

    Piña Colada has to be my all-time favorite mixed drink, though.

    I get fucking hammered drinking Pina Colada.
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo

    The one lesson I've learned since I arrived in Florida is that you don't drink and drive, ever, no matter how much you drank or how good of a driver you think you are.

    Don't tell me that wasn't something you didn't learn/know before, JKay. I'd be disappointed.

    For the record, drunk driving is a HUUUUUUUUGE pet peeve for me. I hate hearing about it. I think it's one of the most irresponsible things a person can do. I'm tired of hearing a news story where some drunk guy went the wrong way on a freeway and crashed into a mini-van, killing the family of five inside, while the driver got off with some bruises and a broken bone. Happens way too much. Thus, I'm very anal with drinking when I have to drive later. I will have one drink at most, keep myself extremely hydrated, and let a couple of hours pass before I get in a car.

    Drunk Driving = Scummy.

    On the other hand...

    6 beers and a shot of Cuervo

    And you all yourself a soldier??? I'm Asian and can outdrink you at that rate! :p


    But seriously, folks. Don't drink and drive. You can get trashed (make sure you're around people who can and will take care of you). You can get buzzed and have a good time. You can even throw up on a really understanding friend. But for the love of goodness, don't get into a car if you're drunk. Or even tipsy. You might make it home a hundred times, but if you kill someone on the 101st, you'll feel like shit for the rest of your life. And if you don't, then you are shit.
  • Evil WME%s's Photo
    I hardly think drunk driving is the main reason that alcohol is dangerous. Atleast on a personal level, but even to society. It might be the one aspect that 'society' is actually onto, though.

    Do you know your bum on the street? with the bottle in a brown paper bag? That there, is alcohol, most of the time.
    Read 'Big Sur' by J. Kerouac, really interesting book.


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