(Archive) Advertising District / Project: Aries

  • RCTNW%s's Photo
    Welcome to Project: Aries

    Following the concept of Marriott Project: Triple X, Project Aries will consist of several maps to form one large project. Although we are still early in the development of the project, the initial designs have been developed and work on the maps have commenced. Unlike the Marriott project, we will be announcing the existence of all the maps. You will notice that although the intent of the various maps are similar, the maps/parks will be different.

    Below you will find the overview of the maps and various transportation systems to support the resort complex. One area that will be new to this project (although was part of Phase 4 on the Marriott Project) will be existence of an airport that has been planned for some time and should be released by the end of the year.

    Posted Image

    The only significant change to this project is that I'm not planning on building any of the coasters. CP6 will be the primary builder for most of the coasters used on 4 of the 5 parks planned for this project. That said, there may be a few other guest builders as the project develops.

    So there you have it. Yet another over the top project.

    As always, thanks for the support.


    Edit - Update post to reflect current 25 map configuration
  • Brent%s's Photo
    Hmmm picture doesn't seem to want to load, either here or if I insert the direct link in my browser.
  • RCTmike%s's Photo
    same here.
  • Evil WME%s's Photo
    20 maps??
  • Splitvision%s's Photo

    20 maps??

  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Good luck... :X
  • Todd Lee%s's Photo
    Nice James. Obviously well thought out, can't wait to see it unfold!
  • SGT BLOOPER%s's Photo
    I still don't get how you manage to finish these colossal projects! Marriott was awesome by the way, in case I never said that on rctspace...
  • CedarPoint6%s's Photo
    Looking forward to it, James. If anybody can take on something like this, it's you. Love the new layout-- feels so much more natural. I can't wait to see the airport. That's going to be absolutely fascinating, I think. I've always wanted to build one of them, so I wanna see where you go with it.

    And as before, looking forward to giving you some coasters to use!
  • posix%s's Photo
    very awesome!
    can't wait to see screens. did you already finish the marriot project???

    also a good idea to rely on a coaster maker like cp6. i would probably want to do the same if i played ;)
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    I really like the look of this and wish you good luck finishing it. Also I enjoyed building thrasher for MMW and would be happy to do another coaster for this project (maybe less wild tho?) if you have room for me.
  • Six Frags%s's Photo
    ^^I don't know.. Probably a mather of opinion but isn't it the most fun thing to do in rct to build and theme a coaster by yourself and see it all come together and to see it work and seeing people enjoying it? That's the core of the attraction of rct to me at least.. You can also plan out your park the best when you build the coasters yourself imo..

    Anyway, good luck james, looks like a massive project, although most of the maps will be filler to connect the parks..
    Looking forward to screenies!

  • Lloyd%s's Photo
    What's scary, is that i think you'll actually finish this.
  • RCTNW%s's Photo
    Brent / RCTmike – Let me know if you still can’t see it and I’ll send it to you via AIM tomorrow night.

    Evil WME / Splitvision – Yes 20 Maps although most of it is just filler to tie it all together.

    Liampie – Thanks.

    Todd – Thanks. It will be fun to watch it myself!

    SGT BLOOPER – Thanks. I wonder about that same question!

    CP6 – I’ll need to pick your brain regarding the airport to see what you had thought about also. As always, thanks for doing the coasters!

    Posix – Yes the Marriott Project is finished in that I will not be doing any more updates to the previously released maps. The only map that will be scrapped was the race track. No worries though as I was not real happy with it anyway.

    Kumba – Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.

    SF – That’s the real beauty of RCT. It appeals to so many interests. I for one have reached a point that I actually dislike building coasters. It’s just too frustrating for me and at this point in time, I find it more satisfying to just build anything else than raw coaster layouts. Also you are correct, most of the maps are indeed filler and opportunities for future development.

    Lloyd – Then I hope to scare you.

    As SF stated, it’s not as bad as it may look. The only reason for the number of maps is to keep the overall project clean. This was the problem with the Marriott project. The original 9 map concept was a bit forced in the placement and did not allow for expandability in a logical manner. For me, the main aerial is the most important aspect of the project. With Project Aries, if I get an idea for something new, I can swap out one of the maps designated for “resorts” and place it there. One of the key features (with the exception of the airport) is that all the maps are connected by both the lake, the planned monorail system and major/minor roadways. Again, the inspiration of this was WDW and the ability to stay on property to enjoy all aspects of the resort.

    Some of these maps may never get anything built on them however; I will have 20 maps/landscape files created to provide the overall aerial along with monorail track and roadways. Other than that, it will be mostly trees and water.

    As for the 5 parks, two of the parks (theme and ocean) will be similar in concept to MGA and MMW and I have a good vision for those. The Water and Studio parks will take a bit more thought as I have never finished these myself however have a good idea what I want to accomplish. The animal park though is the one map that I have concerns with. Fortunately, I will be going to WDW for 8 days in December and am hopeful that after visiting Disney’s Wild Animal Park, the ideas will flow.

    The current plan is to have the 20 maps created and aerials taken this weekend.

  • Xophe%s's Photo
    Whoa, this is epic! Best of luck with it!
  • nin%s's Photo
    No more brand naming?
  • RCTNW%s's Photo
    ^ - Looking at options as to what the Brand will be although don’t be surprised if Marriott sticks with it!
  • Brent%s's Photo
    Works now... and... Jesus. If anyone can do this, it's definitely you. Can't wait to see the first batch of screens. :)
  • robbie92%s's Photo
    I'm so looking forward to this, especially the ocean park, animal park, and water park. I've never seen really well-done versions of any of those in RCT2, and I think that if anyone can pull it off, it's you. Good luck with twenty maps!
  • MF72 %s's Photo
    I can't wait to see the massive resorts and convention center. Best of luck with this RCTNW.


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