General Chat / Time Waster: Omegle...

  • Brent%s's Photo

    Omegle is a brand-new service for meeting new friends. When you use Omegle, we pick another user at random and let you have a one-on-one chat with each other. Chats are completely anonymous, although there is nothing to stop you from revealing personal details if you would like.

    very odd, interesting service..

    also makes for some hilarious convos, feel free to post them

    First one I got was this...

    Stranger: hi
    You: heylo
    Stranger: do u like big butts?
    You: can't lie
    Stranger: lol
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    I've had fun all day.

    And there are a TON of Brazilians using it... for whatever reason, lol. Was made a couple days ago by some 18 year old kid in MI or MN...
  • Ozone%s's Photo
    Whoa, that was me on the other end!

    No, not really. I did just had a lovely chat about Coke with a guy/girl/bot. It relieved some boredom I suppose.
  • Camcorder22%s's Photo
    Man, people on there are kind of boring Im afraid.

    Stranger: hey
    You: oh really?
    Stranger: no
    You: k
    Stranger: not really
    You: yarly
    Stranger: usa?
    You: canadia
    Stranger: alright
    You: its actually a region in australia
    You: not canada lol
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo
    this guy keeps trying to get me to call a phone number. Says it's a real funny computer program, but I'm not buying it.
  • Steve%s's Photo

    Stranger: ontd
    You: hello
    Stranger: ontd? fbrt? 4chan?
    Stranger: ..brasil...?
    You: usa
    Stranger: damn nigga

    Stranger: Oh\
    You: hello
    Stranger: i knew it
    Stranger: i knew it was going to be you
    You: creepy huh?
    Stranger: Hey, do you believe in fate?
    Stranger: or coincidence?
    You: hm, fate?
    Stranger: Have you ever read the Illuminatus Trilogy?
    Stranger: ok well
    Stranger: anyways
    Stranger: 14/f/cali
    Stranger: ...ok
    Stranger: hi
    Stranger: my name is boxxy
    Stranger: wuts yours?
    You: your name is boxy?
    Stranger: yep
    Stranger: why?
    Stranger: is that an uncommon name for you?
    You: it seems uncommon for anyone.
    Stranger: well.. haha
    Stranger: sorry..
    Stranger: it's not my real name.
    You: i figured.
    Stranger: it's just like a psuedonym
    Stranger: U KNOW WHAT I mean
    Stranger: so whats your name?
    You: stefano
    You: it's not my real name
    Stranger: haha
    Stranger: i figured.
    Stranger: so how did you find out about omegle?
    Stranger: i read about it on a blog
    You: i found out on the internet
    Stranger: oh cool
    Stranger: which um... part? of the internet?
    Stranger: the internet is a pretty big series of tubes you know..
    You: the internet has parts? tubes? huh?
    Stranger: well, did you read it on a website? did you hear it in a chat? did you hear it from a firend in email? and advertisement? spam?
    Stranger: there are many sources
    You: i found it on a website.

    The second one ended with the Stranger sending me hundreds of IMs of obscenities.
  • SSSammy%s's Photo

    You: HI
    Stranger: hello
    Stranger: m/f
    You: whaa?
    Stranger: male or female dick fuck
    Stranger: welll.... ball sucker
    Stranger: jack ass go die
    Stranger: i spit on ur grave
    You: maybe later
    You: thast great
    Stranger: will do

    wharra jolly nice fellow.

    Stranger: Haaaaaaai
    You: GAY
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.


    Stranger: hi random stranger
    You: hi random stranger
    You: my name is joey.
    You: whast yours>
    Stranger: my name is john
    You: awesome
    Stranger: and i'm a cat
    You: ive been eating wood chippings since the age of six
    Stranger: hm
    You: what kind of cat/
    Stranger: sounds interesting
    Stranger: an cat with a hangover
    You: yes.
    You: awesome.
    Stranger: im sleeping in wood chippings
    You: your grammar disgusts me
    You: get out of my sight
    Stranger: hello?
    Stranger: i'm a cat, asshole
    You: WHERE
    You: i know a guy who put a cat in a washing machine
    You: it died.
    Stranger: i would like to see you writing with these fucking pads
    Stranger: well
    Stranger: then your friend must be an asshole as well
    You: correct.
    You: i have no fingers, douchebag.
    You: this is toe typing
    You: and i know a guy who can do it evn faster than me
    Stranger: awesome
    Stranger: that's me
    You: yes.
    Stranger: i'm faster at everything
    Stranger: well
    Stranger: shit
    Stranger: not at everything
    You: i can guess your fast at THAT.
    You: winner
    You: fell right into that opne.
    You: dqmn toes.
    Stranger: man..
    You: woman.
    Stranger: my brain's not working right now
    Stranger: really?
    You: no.
    You: im full of keys.
    Stranger: you're a woman writing with your toes and eating wood chippings?
    You: no!
    Stranger: i'm full of love
    You: where do you guys get this bullcrap from
    You: seriously
    You: typing with my toes
    You: whart a crock o shit.
    Stranger: your grammar disgusts me
    You: your grandma disgusts me.
    Stranger: because she's having alzheimer?
    Stranger: asshole
    You: there we go agian
    You: terrible grammar.
    You: and terrible knowledge of alzheimers.
    Stranger: english isn't my native language
    Stranger: i have an excuse
    You: mine niether.
    You: im french.
    Stranger: ok
    Stranger: i don't like french
    Stranger: do you say 'alzheimers'?
    Stranger: with an 's'?
    Stranger: strange
    You: got me in a nutshell.
    Stranger: hm
    Stranger: you're pathetic
    Stranger: don't you have something better to do than hang around in stupid chats and talking trash?
    Stranger: hanging around
    You: hey im being kept in a cellar
    You: what do you expecct me to do.
    Stranger: ok
    Stranger: that's an excuse
    You: you just got pwned.
    You: cause i was right
    Stranger: oh my god
    Stranger: what a shame
    You: dont use the lords name in vein
    You: bitch

    and one from my friend;

    Razza•Ryah•RyRy•Ryman•Rymah♪ says (12:02):
    *Connecting to server...
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: Are you black?
    Stranger: yes
    You have disconnected.

    SSSammy as: You
    Ryman as :You (last quote only)
    Apoligies if anybody was offended by the fun we were having. neither of us are racist, or humoured by alzheimer's.
  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo
    ...You're an idiot.
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    ... correct.
  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo
    i don't do this, but a high school buddy posted one in a facebook note that i thought MA might enjoy.

    So there's this service called Omegle that just hooks you up with a random stranger to chat. Last night I had an awesome philosophical conversation with someone. I thought I'd share it here and see what people thought:

    Stranger: if you went through a transporter that destroyed every atom in your body and recreated it in exactly the same quantum configuration, would you be the same person?
    Stranger: most people say no, i say yes
    You: that one really depends on whether you believe in the spirit or the soul or whatever
    Stranger: life is an abstraction of emotions and ideas on an underlying platform of deterministic particles
    You: if you believe that sentience is simply the result of the structures and systems of our body, then yeah, you'd be the same
    You: whether the you that got destroyed would become the you that came out on the other side is a very different question
    Stranger: it's just like printing another copy of a book
    Stranger: your atoms are like the paper and ink
    Stranger: your sentience / spirit / soul is the meaning of the sentences in it
    You: yeah, but if you went in, would you yourself experience coming back out?
    Stranger: no, you wouldn't realize anything had happened
    Stranger: if you made a copy of yourself, both you and the copy would think they were the original
    You: but for a moment you didn't exist
    Stranger: right
    Stranger: so in a sense it's like time travel
    Stranger: because you perceive that no time has passed, but it's actually later
    You: but I don't think you would be the one in the new body, it'd be something else that acts exactly like you
    You: totally imperceptible to anyone else
    You: that you are anything different
    Stranger: but if it both acts and thinks exactly like me, then it is me, by definition
    You: but I think that... the actual entity experiencing it would be something different though totally identical to you
    You: because your specific experience vanishes when the body was destroyed
    Stranger: "you" is just a word that denotes a sequence of mental states
    Stranger: so the continuation of those states is "you" regardless of how it's implemented
    You: alright, look at it this way, what is actually experiencing those mental states
    Stranger: you are
    You: right
    Stranger: so...
    You: so if you somehow made an exact clone of yourself, there'd be the you in your original body, and a different but wholly distinct you in the other body
    Stranger: yes...
    You: and you'd only experience what your original body does
    Stranger: but they're both you..
    Stranger: there's literally two of you
    You: yes, but you are still only seeing out of one set of eyes and experiencing only one set of input from the sense
    You: s
    You: while something else is inside that other body, experiencing those inpus
    You: *inputs
    Stranger: right, but that sentence is separately true for each "you" in a different way
    Stranger: i think we kind of hit a wall trying to analyze the situation because the language doesn't provide any way to describe what's really happening
    You: exactly, and as long as both copies existed, the two yous would almost immediately no longer be identical
    You: and each would believe it was the original
    Stranger: right
    You: but each is a wholly separate existence
    Stranger: yes i agree with that
    You: and if one dies, the existence that is experiencing from that you no longer exists
    Stranger: ok
    You: so the way I see your original teleport question is this:
    You: experience 1 walks into the teleporter
    You: experience 1 dies/ends as the body is destroyed
    You: out of the teleporter comes an identical body that is experience 2
    You: experience 2 believes for all intents and purposes that it walked into the teleporter and emerged unharmed
    You: because it has all previous memories and whatnot
    You: but your original experience no longer exists and has died
    Stranger: so, let's say in Universe 1 the teleporter works as you described
    Stranger: and in Universe 2, the teleporter preserves the single experience
    Stranger: and just moves that experience to a new location
    Stranger: i'm claiming there is no actual difference between universes 1 and 2
    Stranger: except for the terminology we choose to describe them
    You: to anyone observing the operation of the teleporter there is no difference
    You: for all they can see the person that walks in is the person that walks out
    Stranger: to whom is there a difference?
    You: the person that walks in
    Stranger: no, because you can't tell which universe you're in
    Stranger: in either one you come out of the teleporter as if nothing had happened
    You: okay, so think of the teleporter as working like this
    You: it's a cloning machine that just happens to destroy the original body that walks in
    You: the clone believes it is the original, as does everyone who observes the experiment
    You: but the person who walks in dies
    Stranger: words like "dies" and "survives" imply a false dichotomy in this case - we don't really have a good word for what happens to the person who walks in
    Stranger: it resembles death in some ways but not in the important ones
    You: but you do acknowledge that something happens to them? and that the existence that is in the new body is distinct (though identical) to the old one?
    Stranger: yes
    Stranger: but it's just like moving a file from one hard drive to another
    Stranger: behind the scenes, the computer writes a copy and deletes the original
    Stranger: but there's an abstraction on top of that which we accurately describe as "moving"
    Stranger: and it's the same file
    You: true
    You: but what if the original wasn't deleted?
    You: which is the original now?
    Stranger: you can call one of them the original, but since they're the same file that label doesn't really imply anything
    Stranger: i'm getting really sleepy though
    You: yeah, me too
    Stranger: i will have to think about it some more
    You: it's 3 here
    Stranger: it's 12 here
    You: you west coast usa?
    Stranger: yeah, SF bay area
    You: cool, I'm in ohio
    Stranger: do you have AIM?
    You: yeah, but I never really use it
    You: I think we're just going to have to leave our conversation where it ended
    Stranger: sounds good
    You: pleasure philosophizing with you
    Stranger: same
    Stranger: have a good night :-)
    You: you as well
  • Katapultable%s's Photo
    Another Portugese:

    You: Bonjour.
    Stranger: bonjour
    Stranger: vc fala portugues
    Stranger: ?
    You: You mean you're Portugese?
    Stranger: yes
    You: Okay, that's 2 Brazillians and 2 Portugese so far. :p
    Stranger: kkkk
    Stranger: vocÊ é francesa
    You: What? :p
    Stranger: ?
    You: I'm not that good at Portugese. Do you want me to speak French, or what?
    Stranger: i'm not french
    Stranger: bad bad
    Stranger: ta ruuim
    Stranger: !
    Stranger: ;D
    You: Yeah, sure? :p
    Stranger: ??
    Stranger: o.O
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    ^^you know,
    that is extraodinanry.

    Edited by SSSammy, 04 April 2009 - 02:57 PM.

  • SSSammy%s's Photo

    Stranger: BAJINGO
    Stranger: I HATE U
    You: I HATE YOU.
    You: I WIN.
    You: I DO
    You: now your talking.
    You: lets ask,
    Stranger: ask what
    You: how much harder is it, and how much of your pathetic, lonely life will be wasted, by typeing the "y" and the "o" in "you"?
    You: swearings real clever
    You: you know that
    You: ?
    Stranger: YEAH
    You: FUCK
    You: BASTARD
    You: my iq has just risen by 4
    You: or is that diminished by 16
    You: its hard to tell.
    Stranger: WORK HARDER GEEK
    You: no thanks
    You: im not the one with a coombover.
    You: you have me very sadly misinterpreted if you think im a geek.
    You: queer, i can talk
    You: take*
    You: all though im straight.
    You: im not childish enough to use a sexuality as an insult.
    Stranger: it pissed you off that i didnt include Y and O
    You: no.
    You: just saddens me
    You: that most of the population cant make the slightest of movements to make a word that bit more intelligent.
    Stranger: you
    Stranger: now ur happy ?
    You: no.
    Stranger: WHY
    You: you should have put youre
    You: extra points if you put in the apostraphe
    Stranger: so you love english ?
    You: english is a subject i consider myself to perform well in, yes.
    You: you love idiocy?
    Stranger: it's funny
    Stranger: but english is such a boring subject isn't it
    You: its funny if youre not the noob being the idiot.
    You: and no not really.
    You: just cause you find it difficult reading simple sentances without lazy abreiviations
    You: is that why you take so long to reply?
    You: or is it that youre trying to fidn something witty to say?
    Stranger: its newb not noob
    You: nope.
    You: noob it is im afraid.
    Stranger: BOOB IT IS
    You: its not in the dictionary, i an spell it how i like
    You: your such a let down.
    Stranger: ur not the only person im talking to
    Stranger: you enjoy talking about english
    Stranger: ur a fuckin geek
    You: youre not the only person im verbaly pissing on.
    You: you enjoy talking about homoerotica,
    You: and your just a dissapointment
    Stranger: http://www.mid.muohi...mages/geek2.jpg this is what you look like, AM I RIGHT?
    Stranger: you were ur pants up to ur titties dont you
    You: i dont wear trousers
    You: ever.
    Stranger: how retarded is that
    You: about as retarded as your speech.
    You: thast not me by the way
    You: thats my friend
    You: john.
    Stranger: ur boyfriend ?
    Stranger: you ended up doing ur friend cause no chick would go out with you
    You: nah
    You: im afraid thast not true.
    You: and, at what point did i say i was male?
    You: you are simply repulsive
    You: you know that
    You: my hobby is talking to douchebags like you.
    Stranger: you love english
    Stranger: so shut up
    You: then trying to think why that was a good wa to spen an entire saturday
    Stranger: you enjoy discussing spelling mistakes
    You: discussing?
    You: i do believe you couldnt think up a suitiable comeback
    You: so i believe it was a verbal slap.
    Stranger: it was?
    You: yeah.
    Stranger: WAS IT:?
    You: YES.
    You: i can use caps lock too.
    Stranger: CAN U
    You: yep.
    You: dude, when was the last time you left the house?
    You: not including those times you needed to urinate.
    Stranger: why do you think im at home?
    You: because im going to assume that you have a very timid personality but want to be more confident so you are still
    trying to dominate an argument that i am clearly winning.
    You: scared to leave your house.
    Stranger: and you leave your house to take a leak?
    You: no
    You: i have a bathroom in mine
    You: see the subtle humour.
    You: i guess not.
    Stranger: winning?
    Stranger: ur not winning
    You: nah im not the one whos fingers are too fat too type two extra letters.
    You: why are you still here then?
    Stranger: and you said you werent pissed about that
    Stranger: because im enjoying this
    You: so your like a peasant
    You: luk he uzez lng wrds we dnt undrstnd
    You: int it fnny
    Stranger: INSULT*
    You: even with teh correction the statement makes no percievable sense.
    Stranger: but you get the idea dont you
    You: no
    You: i dont
    You: i dont speak peasant...
    Stranger: it aint my fault your stupid
    You: it aint my fault youre inbread.
    Stranger: so seriously, what other stuff you like to talk about, other than english
    You: youd like to hear me say trains.
    You: but i talk about whatevers on the radar.
    Stranger: for example?
    You: i am capable of talking about mroe than one thing.
    You: for example, global economics.
    Stranger: meh
    You: yes, meh.
    You: are you going to leave anytime soon?
    Stranger: maybe after 15-20mins
    You: cause this is fast becoming a spectator sport.
    Stranger: yea, lets talk about english
    You: i have to go dust my star tek memorabilia though
    You: thank you
    You: youve been a wonderful punchbag
    You have disconnected.

    that better be someone on this forum.
    even i could pretend im clever against him.
  • Katapultable%s's Photo
    Omegle, for a good start of the day:

    Stranger: say something crazy!
    Stranger: yeah!
    You: Uhm... Crazy...
    Stranger: ah
    Stranger: your not crazy enough
    You: OMG!! Flying elephants, with hats on!!
    Stranger: oh alright then
    Stranger: good job
    Stranger: now my turn
    You: Thanks. :D
    Stranger: stereo geographic telepromting catch wand
    Stranger: huh!
  • Katapultable%s's Photo
    I just had the weirdest converstation (better not click on the link, unless you like puking on your computer on Sunday):

    Stranger: helo
    You: Are you strange?
    Stranger: yes verry
    You: Good to know.
    Stranger: ya aint it
    You: I ain't what?
    Stranger: good to know that im strange
    You: I ain't good to know you're strange? Does that even make sense to yourself?
    Stranger: sorry
    Stranger: im only using on hand hear
    You: Never mind.
    You: What the other one doing?
    Stranger: goen in and out
    You: Ah, right.
    Stranger: yaay
    Stranger: so what you doin
    You: Listening to music, msn, computing.
    Stranger: anny thing eles
    You: Sitting.
    Stranger: nice
    You: What are you doing?
    Stranger: materbating
    You: Nice.
    Stranger: yea
    You: Who are you jacking off at?
    Stranger: gurls dont jack off
    You: Who are you fingering at?
    Stranger: that
    You: Conscience: Should I trust this?
    You: Gross.
    Stranger: but it gets me off soo good
    You: You like puking on dicks?
    Stranger: idnt know why it just makes me wet
    You: Lame. :p
    Stranger: oh god icame
    You: Good to know.
    Stranger: how old are you
    You: 17
    Stranger: wow im 15
    You: :p Me too. I'll be 16 in a week. I was just checking.
    Stranger: ohh
    You: :p
    Stranger: is talking to me making you hard ?
    You: No.
    Stranger: realy
    You: Really.
    Stranger: caus its making me plenty hard
    You: I thought you were a girl?
    Stranger: i am
    You: Then how the fuck do you get ''hard''?
    Stranger: oh shit il gona need 2 hands in a sec
    Stranger: brb
    You: Good luck, have fun.
    Stranger: you too
    Stranger: fuking nigger

    Not that I'm black, but...
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    Connecting to server...
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: RYAN?
    Stranger: ................................... ........................................,-~~'''''''~~--,,_
    .................................................. ..................................,-~''-,:::::::::::::::::::''-,
    .................................................. .............................,~''::::::::',::::::: :::::::::::::|',
    .................................................. .............................|::::::,-~'''___''''~~--~''':}
    .................................................. .............................'|:::::|: : : : : : : : : : : : : :
    .................................................. .............................|:::::|: : :-~~---: : : -----: |
    .................................................. ............................(_''~-': : : : : : : : :
    .................................................. .............................'''~-,|: : : : : : ~---': : : :,'--never Gonna
    .................................................. .................................|,: : : : : :-~~--: : ::/ -----give You Up!
    .................................................. ............................,-''':: :'~,,_: : : : : _,-'
    .................................................. ......................__,-';;;;;:''-,: : : :'~---~''/|
    .................................................. .............__,-~'';;;;;;/;;;;;;;: :: : :____/: :',__
    .................................................. .,-~~~''''_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;',. .''-,:|:::::::|. . |;;;;''-,__
    .................................................. /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;. . .''|::::::::|. .,';;;;;;;;;;''-,
    ................................................,' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;. . .:::::,'. ./|;;;;;;;;;;;;;|
    .............................................,-'';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;',: : __|. . .|;;;;;;;;;,';;|
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  • zodiac%s's Photo
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: ...
    You: no?
    Stranger: dont try to be me
    Stranger: bitch
    You: but i love you.
    Stranger: but
    Stranger: ur me
    You: well then i love myself.
    Stranger: nooooo!!!!
    Stranger: good
    You: i'm welcome.
    Stranger: that makes you gay for jesus raptor
    You: yeah, that's about right.
    Stranger: :)
    You: oh wait, what's that?
    Stranger: jesus raptor?
    You: oh, no, it's just a squirrel.
    You: no, i thought i saw something in your asshole.
    Stranger: squirrel?
    Stranger: oh
    You: furry brown things.
    Stranger: yah that was a squirrel then
    Stranger: had to be
    You: not the first time.
    Stranger: all the time every time
    Stranger: dont worry about it
    You: you seem like the kind of person who like people.
    Stranger: im actioally the kid who hates most people
    Stranger: how old you be?
    You: you seem like the kind of person who hates grammar.
    Stranger: i got a b in english bitch
    Stranger: accelerated
    You: i'm so proud of you, sonn.
    Stranger: yes sir
    Stranger: dont beat me
    You: too late, you son of a bitch.
    You: bend over and touch your toes. i'm gonna show you where the monster goes.
    Stranger: no daddy nooooo!
    Stranger: o...omg...o god
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    i'm surprised that that's what it took.
  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    I was bored. Many lulz ensued. This is my favorite:

    Stranger: hay you
    You: let's fight!
    You: i choose you pikachu!
    Stranger: go charzard
    You: pikachu! thunderbolt!
    Stranger: use dragon breath
    You: dammit, Pikachu come back! go Geodude!
    Stranger: fly charzard
    You: Geodude defense curl!
    Stranger: charzard come back!
    Stranger: go magic carp
    Stranger: use splash
    You: Geodude, rock throw
    Stranger: splash magiccarp
    Stranger: magiccarp splash
    You: oh god he's getting dangerous. Geodude here's a potion!
    You: tackle!
    Stranger: magiccarp retreat
    Stranger: i choose you vitorybell
    Stranger: use stun spore
    You: geodude dig!
    You: (its paralyzed it can't move)
    You: damnit!
    You: Geodude come back! Flareon, go!
    Stranger: use poison sting victorybell
    You: Flareon evaded the attack!
    You: Flareon, flamethrower!
    Stranger: victoybell is down for the count
    Stranger: nooooooooo!
    Stranger: go scyther
    You: Defense X used on Flareon
    Stranger: scyther use scratch!
    You: critical hit!
    You: Flareon, sand-attack!
    Stranger: wow this is getting intense
    Stranger: use a full heal scyther
    You: Flareon, flamethrower attack!
    You: but it missed!
    Stranger: now use triple smash
    You: critical hit! Flareon fainted!
    You: Noo! Go Geodude!
    You: defense curl!
    Stranger: come back scyther
    Stranger: i need now more then ever politoed!!!
    Stranger: use enthusiasm and end this with frog hop
    Stranger: dun dun duuuun!
    You: oh noes!
    You: go pikachu! you're all i have left!
    You: thunderbolt!
    Stranger: dodge politoed and hit him with a waterfall
    You: super potion used on Pikachu!
    Stranger: hit him with frog hop politoed
    You: Pikachu thunder wave!
    Stranger: counter that with a water gun
    You: no! Pikachu! "Stranger" blacked out!
    Stranger: victorious

    EDIT: Another good one.

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: heyy
    Stranger: hi are you a horny girl cuz i'm a horny guy
    You: yeah totally
    Stranger: doyou have any naked pics of you
    Stranger: that i could see
    You: you don't understand sarcasm, do you.
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Edited by Gwazi, 05 October 2009 - 08:12 PM.

  • FullMetal%s's Photo
    So... What's the purpose of this, again?
  • gir%s's Photo
    Waste time, have fun, pretend to be an extrovert.
  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    or continue being your extroverted self when you are unable to do so other than by texting people.

    or if you are procrastinating like me.


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