General Chat / Atheist Intollerance.

Believe in God?

  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    are you really a mennonite kevin? i guess that explains a lot.
  • catalyst%s's Photo
    You wouldn't believe how many women I've tried to convince to fuck my face, and they always want to kiss it. So, how does one become a fuckface - does that come after some belief in God? Is is a righteous reward, unlike 40 virgins, 23 hosebags who will ride my nose?
  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo
    The only fairy tale I don't believe is that only 3% of the US is atheist.

    Kevin: You have the right to be wrong. Atheists, for the most part, have already looked at your "you're going to hell!" argument and accepted it. Let it go. Our non-belief won't increase your probability of going to hell. Let us live our life of "sin" in peace. (As if to say a Buddhist monk is a sinner just because he doesn't accept your god...)

    Catalyst: Well played, sir.
  • FullMetal%s's Photo
    ^ More like 10%. But still a minority compared to the 75% of Americans who call themselves Christian/Catholic.

    EDIT: Oh, and that last video was just plain retarded. Words cannot describe how confused I was by the person's arguement. What the first theory was all about is a total mystery to me. And he's quoting some ancient chinese guy. How about something a bit more recent, huh? Something from, I don't know, The New York Times, or The Washington Post, or TIME Magazine? And that fourth theory? The one that's supposed to be proven in the bible? It can be disproved by the bible, too. It says that in the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. However, since there is no record of anything before that, it is safe to assume that there was nothing. But according to theory #3, you can't create something out of nothing. BAM! I just disproved theory #4.

    Anyone care to debate this? I'm actually interested to hear some good responses.

    Edited by FullMetal, 02 October 2009 - 11:53 PM.

  • Dr_Dude%s's Photo

    Reminds of last year in my conservative government teacher's class in the most conservative county in the country in which he gave us an article about how atheists bitch about removing anything religious from society, and how the government only listens to the religious requests of atheists and shit like that.

    Well yeah. We sorta live in something called a secular country. Whenever someone talks about bringing god back in to politics I tell them to give a cosy country named Iran a try.
  • Howl%s's Photo
    This is a poll just for me. My case is: Non-beliver Jewish, Atheist.
    Why? A God (Of any kind) was invented by ancient tribes of pre-history to explain the world and be a source for solace in hard times ("We were defeted in the war because we didn't pray enough"). The God of Monotheist religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) is no different. So if there is a more logical theory that "Listenes to" the laws of sceince, I'm with it. To me, God is a primitive beliefs.

    BTW, most of presentation shown there is a mish-mash of philosophic ideas with no real explanation. The only thing I understood from it was that I understand nothing. Some people will do anything for their beliefs...

    Edited by Howl, 03 October 2009 - 12:53 AM.

  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo

    ^ More like 10%. But still a minority compared to the 75% of Americans who call themselves Christian/Catholic.

    EDIT: Oh, and that last video was just plain retarded. Words cannot describe how confused I was by the person's arguement. What the first theory was all about is a total mystery to me. And he's quoting some ancient chinese guy. How about something a bit more recent, huh? Something from, I don't know, The New York Times, or The Washington Post, or TIME Magazine? And that fourth theory? The one that's supposed to be proven in the bible? It can be disproved by the bible, too. It says that in the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. However, since there is no record of anything before that, it is safe to assume that there was nothing. But according to theory #3, you can't create something out of nothing. BAM! I just disproved theory #4.

    Anyone care to debate this? I'm actually interested to hear some good responses.

    Don't try to disprove them. It only makes their beliefs stronger. (scientifically proven)
  • FullMetal%s's Photo
    ^ :lol:
  • K0NG%s's Photo
    ^^Not only does it makes their beliefs stronger, it makes them twice as adamant about trying to prove themselves to be 'right' (not scientifically proven but, widely recognized). :nod:
  • Wanted%s's Photo
    I wonder how stupid God thinks Kevin Enns is. Pretty fucking stupid.

    And I don't even believe in god :p
  • spartan%s's Photo
    I have nothing against atheists, in fact one of my close friends says he is an atheist. I just hate the ones that bitch about every other religious reference thinking that they are all-important and everyone should respect their non-belief.
    "take god out of the pledge of allegiance"
    "don't put up Christmas decorations"
    They want others to respect their belief without acknowledging others beliefs. It would be as if I complained to someone to remove a star of david while still leaving an reference to Christianity.

  • ACEfanatic02%s's Photo

    I have nothing against atheists, in fact one of my close friends says he is an atheist. I just hate the ones that bitch about every other religious reference thinking that they are all-important and everyone should respect their non-belief.
    "take god out of the pledge of allegiance"
    "don't put up Christmas decorations"
    They want others to respect their belief without acknowledging others beliefs. It would be as if I complained to someone to remove a star of david while still leaving an reference to Christianity.


    You'll find, I think, that 'atheists' like that are as rare as 'Christians' who protest military funerals and bomb abortion clinics. They're just loud. You're welcome to insult them, but don't let them taint your view of the rest of us.

  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo

    I have nothing against atheists, in fact one of my close friends says he is an atheist. I just hate the ones that bitch about every other religious reference thinking that they are all-important and everyone should respect their non-belief.
    "take god out of the pledge of allegiance"
    "don't put up Christmas decorations"
    They want others to respect their belief without acknowledging others beliefs. It would be as if I complained to someone to remove a star of david while still leaving an reference to Christianity.


    I think you'll find that the Pledge of Allegiance is a bit different than being pissed about Christmas decorations. Swearing to a god in a Pledge of Allegiance or when giving court testimony when you don't believe in one kind of negates the purpose, right? Telling a lie to insist you're telling the truth...

    Christmas hasn't been about god for quite some time, so the people that bitch about this are just trying to start shit.
  • FullMetal%s's Photo
    I'm a Christmas loving atheist! Christmas = Free food. And Christmas is especially nice when you get snow. Snow doesn't really fall until after Christmas. But sometimes you get lucky and get an inch or two before hand. It helps lighten the mood.

    Granted, I still don't believe that Jesus was a miracle worker/savior, nor do I believe that he was born on December 25th (along with quite a few other deities). But, Christmas to me is more about family than anything else. Why not leave the decorations? It adds to the love.

    The Pledge, on the otherhand... Well, MA's post pretty much hit the nail on the head. That and I've met many a people who think that because you don't agree with the Pledge, you're anti-American. And I don't really think we need a religious mascot, either. We have the bald eagle. Isn't that enough?
  • Regulatin%s's Photo
    i'm a firm believer in not giving a fuck about this shit. i'd rather not waste my thoughts
  • FullMetal%s's Photo
    Ah, but it's the time-wasting thinkers that make breakthroughs!
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    ignorance is bliss. (good book too!)

    agnostic ftw!
    but i do like hannukah so.
    up with potato pancakes!

    Edited by Cocoa, 16 October 2009 - 04:39 PM.

  • FullMetal%s's Photo
    Latkes! Those are awesome!
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
  • SGT BLOOPER%s's Photo
    I'm a Christian. I don't hate atheists and I won't go around screaming "YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!!!!!!!!". That's not for me judge and it certainly doesn't make any friends. I'm just here to say, like ACE, don't judge me by what you see in other people who claim they are Christians.

    Edited by SGT BLOOPER, 20 October 2009 - 04:15 PM.


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