(Archive) Advertising District / Pokeland!

  • iPodbeast%s's Photo
    Hey guys!

    I'm not a fancy park maker; I just build rides and parks so people can ride them and enjoy, so here's Pokeland, a place for Pokemon fans and coaster freaks alike!

    This is a photo of my dueling Twister coasters, Ho-Oh and Lugia.

    Attached Image: photo_1_.jpg

    This is a photo of Pokemon Manor, a simple castle-scenery-based mansion ride.

    Attached Image: photo_1___2_.jpg

    This last photo is a basic Rct2 adaptation of Snowpoint City, a little town in the Sinnoh region.

    Attached Image: photo_2_.jpg

    Some scenery shown (even tiny parts) courtesy of Riven3d.

    That's all for now! Comment please, for they're my first photos! :)

  • geewhzz%s's Photo
    I take it your RCT pc doesn't have Internet?
  • iPodbeast%s's Photo

    I take it your RCT pc doesn't have Internet?

    I have Windows 7, and I cannot locate the .bmp files I saved. So that's my explanation!
  • RCFanB&M%s's Photo
    Honestly, I don't think a Pokemon fan would enjoy that
  • iPodbeast%s's Photo

    Honestly, I don't think a Pokemon fan would enjoy that

    Like I said, I'm not big on whole "mass-scenery" parks. So yeah.
  • JDP%s's Photo
    Well then your fucked because I can build that with my ass cheeks.
  • JJ%s's Photo
  • Goliath123%s's Photo
    Ok, to be honest this is terrible. Its humiliating pkemon.
  • T.N.T.%s's Photo
    AAAAAHHH!!! MAI EIIIIIEES!!! THEY- oooh, a Recees *chomp*. Anywho- THEY BUUUURRRNNN!!!!!!!

    Now on a serious note: Put some actual effort into it before you post anymore screens. Bunch of Poke-Mans will literally start crying if they see more of this.
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo

    Well then your fucked because I can build that with my ass cheeks.

    i'd like to see you try
  • Louis!%s's Photo
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    you guys are being really harsh.

    i personally really enjoy the nostalgic feel of this, but i cant sense any pokemon reference. the name is about the only thing that ties them together. maybe try and simulate the graphic of pokemon? it should really remind you and us of pokemon and it really doesnt remind me at the moment, but i can see that with a little time and improvement, you will have a nice park :)
  • JJ%s's Photo
    Someone's biased cos they like Pokemon!
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    youre a spammer!
  • FullMetal%s's Photo
    ^No, he's a squirrel.

    In all seriousness, though, if your not into "fancy parkmaking" then this really isn't the place for you. Everyone here (excluding Kevin) puts a lot of scenery into their parks because it makes them eye catching. So if that's not your thing, then you'll have a hard time fitting in.
  • zburns999%s's Photo
    ^That's not true. I feel like you can't accurately classify what NE is about. It's about people who like RCT and use it to build stuff.

    Look at that recent park relseased...I think Wicksteed made it. It had very little scenery at all.
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    fullmetal wasnt thinking when he posted that.

    NE has room for any type of building style.

    if you can make a beautiful park with your style, there is no reason why it wont be accepted and wont win accolades, if accolades are what you are into.
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    ^I agree, but I have a hard time finding this beautiful.

    Keep at it though, don't get discouraged, we need new members. Go back and see where fullmetal came from, and maybe you won't feel so bad.
  • rK_%s's Photo

    fullmetal wasnt thinking when he posted that.

    NE has room for any type of building style.

    if you can make a beautiful park with your style, there is no reason why it wont be accepted and wont win accolades, if accolades are what you are into.

    lmao, if by style you mean lack there of then yes, hes well on his way, and i got $5 on JDPs asscheeks.

    Edited by rK_, 13 November 2009 - 06:09 PM.

  • TheLegendaryMatthew%s's Photo
    To be honest, this seems like a park I made when I just started playing RCT2.

    @Screen 1
    The coaster - I'm seeing you don't like using block brakes, or no what these are. This is a need for good building. Now, you should try to have some sort of brake-age on a full circuit ride towards the end of a station, or non banked turn. The colors are horrid, I can't see where your going with red and white and blue, when you should probably go for silver and gold. The station of the ride is very blocky, you can add roofs you know ;)
    @Screen 2
    This screen is just sickening.
    First off, you have 1 tile pathways. Always try to keep a 2 tile wide path way as your min. Try to keep your stations covered as best as you can, this goes for shops, and other ride entrances. With the building, you need to have the one major piece. Which in this case would be a giant block, but you could also add stuff to the side & edges to make it look more than a block. You can also add layers, and more to a side.
    You should also have more scenery other than the flowers. You need to look up the area your doing (jungle, dessert, tundra, graveyard, farm, etc) in an image search engine, and look at pictures of the area. Copy what applys into RCT2, and try to make it look neat.
    For the pathways, I would use the 1/2 brick, 1/2 picket fence fence that comes in the game for something like this.
    @Screen 3
    This is snowpoint city? I remember its key features was a harbor and a temple. I don't see either. All I see is a pathway, in the icy grass, with icy trees. You can't just put frosting on a bad tasting cake and call it good. I know that terrain is more scattered and neat then how you put it into your shot right there. Also, this is just a peeve of mine, but you want to try to avoid having the coasters touch the ground. (unless there inverted), because it just looks lazy and sloppy in my eyes. (Too lazy to support it).

    Now you say your not into fancy building making, and you just want to make the peeps happy. Well, you need to understand that this is a site full of experts who will nitpick your park (like I did), but if you go onto a site like Atari, Theme Park Review (still a few ass's here and there who want every lil' tile to be perfect), Coaster Warriors, or hell you can even try showing this on a site like Psypoke.
    This is not to say that you can't advertise here, but this is too say that you'll probably receiving a lot more negative feedback than positive.



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