Theme Park Discussion / Great American Scream Machine 1989-2010?

  • fraroc%s's Photo

    It was a rough old peice of junk but it was MY FAVORITE rough old peice of junk! :( RIP GASM

    I really hope that the ride gets relocated instead! But that is next to never happening

    Fuck you six flags.
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    Everything is just speculation and rumour. Nothing has been confirmed.
  • Airtime%s's Photo
    No louis. It's been comfirmed. http://www.screamsca...t_adventure.htm

    Sad to be honest. Arrows disappearing seem to be the trend at the minute :(

    If Chang does replace it. It's a shame really when Chang could have gone to another park that needed it. SFGAdv has a good lineup already, it just seems unnecessary in my eyes. It whould have been better at SFGAm even if it would have seen Iron Wolf leave the park shortly after...

    Edited by Airtime, 06 July 2010 - 09:42 AM.

  • inVersed%s's Photo
    I know its pretty dated, but is it unrealistic to see this possibly be relocated to another park. I mean I'm sure some park with a weaker coaster line up would love to have this.
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    Yeah just realised that this has been confirmed now :p
  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo
    Good riddance. History doesn't save my head from getting wrecked on that thing.
  • JDP%s's Photo
    ^Yeah but she was rough in a classic way. You rode that ride for it to kick you ass... nothing more.

    I'm pretty sad they're getting ride of her, but I am excited SFGAdv is getting Chang (well so far so good). I never rode a beemer standup so hopefully this is my chance unless I get to Mantis first.

    I do think it is a slap in the face to all the other Six Flags parks (besides SFOG & SFMM) since SFGAdv really doesn't need another coaster... oh well. On a second thought though, Toro was their last major coaster and that was back in 2006 already... where does the time go?
  • ChillerHockey33%s's Photo
    It closes the 18th to make way for Chang.

    I actually enjoyed Chang better than Mantis, and GAdv will be adding a 3rd train, so we'll see how that goes.
  • Jaguar%s's Photo

    It whould have been better at SFGAm even if it would have seen Iron Wolf leave the park shortly after...

    No, Iron Wolf was the first B&M ever built in a park. Next you will ask for the Astroland Cyclone or Leap the Dips to be imploded.
  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo
    If it's a ride so rough that I can't go on it, then yes. Get rid of it. I haven't seen a line for GASM any of the times I've been in years, including the night in October when EVERY other coaster was at least an hour wait. Fuck history.
  • Wolfman%s's Photo
    Chang would only point out the obvious flaws about Iron Wolf. I mean, anybody who knows it, knows better than to ride in the last row. (made the mistake myself a few years ago. I still kind of feel it.)

    Shockwave at SFGA was also removed, but a much better track was introduced. The old Arrow coasters are just that... old. they ran better when they were new. Why keep a headache hammerin' coaster around, when the designs of the new coasters are so much smoother and enjoyable?

    So unless you want to allow the coaster to exist, and possibly become a hazard... it's time to retire the thing. Besides, there are other parts and equipment that are out of date other than just parts for the trains. Electronic sensors go out of production, and the computerized systems become obsolete, just to name a few.

    I've even seen rails sag between the ties/supports on some steel tracks. So it's time to retire some of the older Arrows. You might not like the idea, but the new coasters that replace them are going to be so much more thrilling. Why not look forward to the new attractions, rather than hate SF & morn the old beat up Arrow?
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    As long as it goes somewhere so the coaster is still in existance and I can claim it on my count, then sure remove it for chang.
  • That Guy%s's Photo
    Fraroc is now the official death bearer for both human beings and tubular steel.

    Anyways, I never actually rode it, but I looked at it on RCT a lot! :nod:
    But if it's getting replaced with Chang...SCRAP IT! That thing was probably getting bumpy and if it gets replaced by something better who cares? Zambizi Zinger (Probably didn't spell that right...) at Worlds of Fun got removed for a BOOMERANG! Now that's something to be sad about.
  • Austin55%s's Photo
    Im really upset about this. I kept holding on that the rumors may be untrue, but doesnt look like it. Really upsetting. I love rough coasters aswell, Texas Giant and Rattler are some of my favorites, but maybe GASM was worse then them, and I also find smooth coaster kindoff boring. All the B&M's ive been on have left me dissapointed. Ehh, to bad I guess.

    Also, this has to be the largest, perfectly working ride to evre be scrapped right? You could argue Drachen fire wasnt perfectly working, and BBW wasnt that big.

    Im also upset about chang, It should have stayed in KK IMO, or atleast gone to a park that doesnt have a big modern looping coaster, like SFOT.

    Edited by Austin55, 06 July 2010 - 10:29 PM.

  • inVersed%s's Photo

    Also, this has to be the largest, perfectly working ride to evre be scrapped right? You could argue Drachen fire wasnt perfectly working, and BBW wasnt that big.

    Nope, Villain at Geauga Lake was a little bit larger.
  • Austin55%s's Photo
    ^But that was smaller than Hercules, according to RCDB. Although it wasnt scrapped I guess, more like recycled.


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