RCT Discussion / Spotlight Showdown Final

Which do you think is the better park?

  • inVersed%s's Photo

    Dreamport losing against SFSF, WHAT!? Rivers of Babylon losing against BGSS is okay I guess, but I fear that SFSF will win the finals if nothing happens. This is getting more ridiculous every round.

    I am not trying to pull this card, but I think you under-appreciation for SFSF comes from the fact that you are not an American. What makes SFSF such a brilliant park (that I made add is my favorite park of all time) is the fact that it captures every single aspect of the American amusement park. The park finds realistic beauty at shoddy attempts at theming, cloned coaster designs, and advertisements; just like a real SF park. A lot of the micro-details in this park are unparalleled to anything we have seen in RCT. SFSF strikes a sense of nostalgia in American park goers because SFSF i so similar to the parks we grew up visiting and still visit today. The only park to capture this same level of believability is SFC (and to an extent WWAP), hence why they are also two of my favorite parks. That is not to say I don't think Dreamport is a phenomenal park considering it is #3 on my list.

    Therefore, contrary to Liampie, I would like to see SFSF win it all and think its well deserved.
  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    I've never been the biggest fan of Dreamport, at all!
    But to tell the truth, Dreamport should not get robbed..
    It's already a shame that legacies got robbed and a lot of other parks that didn't make it this far.
    I know why Dreamport and SFSF made it this far.
    But the other two parks that made it this far are the actual finalists because after this many years they are still deemed worthy enough to be in the ''top 4'' spotlights, all time!
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    this is so weird. last night I dreamt that there would be a new park (although my dream made it by fisch) and also that the next round of voting for this would open. freaky. why the fuck am I even dreaming about rct?
  • Casimir%s's Photo
    inVersed: I think it's just fair to pull this card, because it's true. I'd rank Dreamport over SFSF any day of the week. No disrespect, robbie. I guess us Europeans just don't get it.
  • robbie92%s's Photo
    Wow, thanks Liam, Louis, et al...


    Lucky for you guys, I'm losing this unofficial poll any ways. Hooray, the community is saved! :mad:
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Final 4 Recap:

    1a. Busch Gardens San Simeon by Fatha 20
    1d. Rivers of Babylon by sacoasterfreak 15

    1b. Dreamport by J K 20
    2c. Six Flags Santa Fe by robbie92 15


    1a. Busch Gardens San Simeon by Fatha
    1b. Dreamport by J K

    7 days to vote and decide which park is the best ever :party:
  • inVersed%s's Photo

    But in my opinion, it's not the greatest park ever.

    I have really enjoyed following/posting in this topic, great idea Kumba.
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Although I ranked Dreamport higher in my first post in this topic, in the end I went with BGSS.
  • pierrot%s's Photo
    vote for Busch Gardens San Simeon.
  • posix%s's Photo
    I still don't understand what people see in BGSS and I'm really impressed an LL park is looking like it will beat a recent RCT2 spotlight. Artistically, BGSS is phenomenal, but that's the only aspect I find visible in the park, as composition-wise, it is a disaster. Everything there is, it is all over the place, stuffed with endless trackitecture and various objects. I just don't like that.
  • RRP%s's Photo

    I still don't understand what people see in BGSS and I'm really impressed an LL park is looking like it will beat a recent RCT2 spotlight. Artistically, BGSS is phenomenal, but that's the only aspect I find visible in the park, as composition-wise, it is a disaster. Everything there is, it is all over the place, stuffed with endless trackitecture and various objects. I just don't like that.

    Neither should win but BGSS is the better of the two,personally.
  • nin%s's Photo
    Yeah, I agree with RRP. Neither of these should win, but BGSS is much more of a park than Dreamport will ever be.
  • That Guy%s's Photo
    I feel like because J K is gone he's getting torn apart a lot more...
  • Louis!%s's Photo

    Wow, thanks Liam, Louis, et al...


    Lucky for you guys, I'm losing this unofficial poll any ways. Hooray, the community is saved! :mad:

    Sorry what? Where did I outright say that I didn't think your park was one of the greats? And I believe I didn't single your park out, I believe I said 6 out of 8 parks shouldn't be there, so that wasn't just yours. It's opinion, sometimes opinion is negative.

    I also believe that these two in the final shouldn't be there, however I am disappointed that BGSS is losing out as it is IMO clearly the better park of the two.
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    I agree with posix about bgss... its individual areas are OK, and the sum of its parts is sort of a mesh. I really don't like the city of god area or whatever it was called. It didn't feel like south american slums, just a mesh of black and grey stations. some bits were nice, like the entrance, and the woodie, and maybe the tropical area. but the rest paled in comparison to most other ll parks. not to say it isn't a really good park, but it is definitely not the best ll has to offer.

    while dreamport is probably not my favorite spotlight, i am definitely happy for it to win, and it was top 5 for me at least. so thats what I voted for.

    hey robbie. i like sfsf too :p
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Well it's final:

    Dreamport by J K - 22
    Busch Gardens San Simeon - 19

    So there you have it, the best park ever according to all of you without any disagreements :bunny:
  • RCTMASTA%s's Photo
    I'm still disappointed MMR and EPWS were eliminated but I think I'm going to have to go with...
    I didn't even like Dreamport that much. BGSS.


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