Ask the Experts / Problem with guests getting stuck

  • Plasma_Wolf%s's Photo
    Hi, I'm working on a park and, using Save Game Modifier (found here under trainers, I got guests stuck at the entrance of a tunnel.

    Posted Image (click to enlarge)

    They walk from map entrance to tunnel and than to the map entrance again (to disappear) or they walk in between the other entrance of the tunnel and the park entrance.

    The problem started at the moment I changed the heightmap all over the area that wasn't park-owned (I selected to own the area in the modifier, changed the height in-game, reconstructed the road and selected not to own it in the modifier).

    The entrance road for the guests was unchanged during the process.

    If I try to remove the path and add it again with the same trick as I used to change the height, then the guests who are there get stuck on one specific tile. For other guests, it seems the problem ends.

    I've tried several things to get rid of those guests (trying to remove the path, lower the ground and add water to drown them didn't work), so that's why I'm asking here. Has anyone experienced this or knows how to solve it? Any help is appreciated.

    Also, I don't have the file of before the heightmap change, so I can't work with that.
  • Havingfun%s's Photo
    The tunnel is the problem, any time you own all land with the main path from the edge to the entrance will be owned by the park even if it the main path. Its the same with a bridge. To fix the prob make sure the main path is on the ground & not suppened or going under ground before it gets to the entrance.

    You can remove all guests with the 4cars trainer.
  • posix%s's Photo
    It's not an underground question, it is solely about map ownership, and where the tunnel is, apparently you own the two tiles there, which cause people to stop on both sides. Savegame modifier is generally good as messing with your ownerships. I recommend using dragons6 which you will also find in my guide.

    To solve your problem:

    (1) make backup save
    (2) except for where you want people to enter the map, remove all path that is touching the map edge anywhere in your park. underground or not, it all matters. same for queue lines AND path going up or downwards.
    (3) colour all the tiles the path leading to the rct entrance gate is on with a ground texture you haven't used. checkerboard lends itself well for this purpose usually. for those tiles that you cannot colour because you do not own them, DO NOT use "own all land" with either dragons6 or savegamemodifier, instead, use "invert map" in dragons6's land tools as many times as is necessary until you have it all in checkerboard (you will most likely only need this for the tunnel part).
    (4) set all land types except checkers to "own". do it MANUALLY for each of them in land tools. with standard keyboard shortcuts this can be done swiftly.
    (5) set checkers to "not own". (the peeps should now move properly on the path)
    (6) invert map to colour the checkers back to sand. then invert map again to have the correct ownership state back.
    (7) remove the property boundary fence if you like. 4cars or beast are best for this.

    Good luck.
  • Plasma_Wolf%s's Photo
    It worked, thanks for the help! :p


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