General Chat / RIP Steve Jobs

  • robbie92%s's Photo

    I may use a PC, but Jobs was an incredible human being and the catalyst for a lot of changes in the tech and entertainment industries. He will be sorely missed.
  • That Guy%s's Photo
    Oh my god....
  • Hex%s's Photo
    R.I.P. He was a very intelligent person.
  • GigaG%s's Photo
    RIP. May you live on in our hearts, Steve Jobs. :'(

    You may have died, but God made sure that you made more influence in your relatively short
    (compared to most deaths) age than dozens of average people make in their lives. You will be missed.
  • twister12%s's Photo
    not one of our lives would be the same without mr jobs. its amazing how one person has virtually shaped how we live our lives. the pc & the mouse, modern cgi, the music industry, portable electronic devices, and probably countless more things... steve will be forever remembered.
  • RRP%s's Photo
    Funny how people worship Steve Jobs.He was just a face, thats all. Apple will be no better or worse without him.

    P.S If you want to worship someone over Apple's product design. Dieter Rams should be that person
  • Kevin Enns%s's Photo

    Today, I suppose, even I am a Mac fan.
  • RamSam12%s's Photo
    RIP all those who also died today who the mass media did not report on.
  • Brent%s's Photo
    Posted Image

    Really though, RIP Steve... my first computer was an Apple back in the early 90's. Got my first iPod in 2003, MacBook Pro in 2010 and my iMac and iPhone this year.
  • Phatage%s's Photo

    Funny how people worship Steve Jobs.He was just a face, thats all. Apple will be no better or worse without him.

    That's not true at all, you heard the back story about his time there?
  • nin%s's Photo

    RIP all those who also died today who the mass media did not report on.


    I'm not a huge Apple fan, but I do own an iPod and iPad. They're great, they're fun, but they are only products. Steve Jobs may truly have been a sort of genius, but I will not sit here and sob pretending like he changed the world like so many are doing. Many are worshiping him acting as is he was a major influence in their lives, when he only helped supply a few hours worth of entertainment for us. I will not say that everything in this world would be the exact same had Apple not existed, but I will not act as if our entire existence would be altered had he not been the man he was.

    I do respect the man though, as he truly did create a fantastic company.
  • gir%s's Photo
    Agree 100% with nin. Not a huge fan of Apple products, but I have an iPod and I use iTunes. I've never enjoyed using Macs, except maybe when we had them in elementary school. I'd just much rather be on a PC or Linux machine. From what I understand he died from pancreatic cancer (same as my grandmother), and that's probably one of the worst cancers you can get--you have almost no chance of beating it. Personally, I'd like to see more money sent the way of pancreatic cancer and other lesser-known cancers (rather than everyone giving their money to breast cancer, for instance).
  • verti%s's Photo
    I can respect anyone who takes a company from their own garage to the highest ranked business on Wall Street.

    That said, I don't care much for Apple.
  • Nitrous Oxide%s's Photo
    I guarentee most of you have no idea what Steve Jobs even did at Apple. You all know him from the commercials and tv spots. Read some history... a fairly accurate movie, watch "Pirates of Silicon Valley"... "Good artists copy, Great artists steal." -Steve Jobs
    It is sad to hear the news that he has past, but not because of who he was. But for the fact that he died at such an early age. True, he has lived more of a life than most of us would in 2 lifetimes.
  • Comet%s's Photo
    I don't own anything Apple beyond an iPod but I still have all the respect in the world for this guy
    From Pixar to the iPad he shaped modern day technology and positively influenced our daily lives

    RRP, funny how people worship Steve Jobs, all he did was founded the world's most profitable company...
    And seriously RamSam...grow up

    nin, you also have to realize that like twister touched upon he created the mouse, was a driving force behind a lot of modern CGI, on top of what he's done in the past decade. Almost everyday you use something that is what it is because of this man, and that is also something to respect

    Anyway I really have to start staying out of these kind of topics
  • posix%s's Photo
    I, like RRP, applaud the designer, whoever really had the crucial ideas. Just yesterday I saw a report on the working conditions in China of Apple's suppliers Wintek and Foxconn. On German television, they had new footage shot by the workers themselves that managed to get out. It really took me:,1872,8355632,00.html

    People in these plants are exploited par excellence by capitalism, and Apple, and Steve Jobs, must have known this but never did anything against it. People at their production plants are killing themselves by jumping from the factory rooves. Their reaction: installment of nets.

    Steve Jobs then said on a conference that, in relation, the average suicide rates of these people are still somewhat lower than those of the US. Right. Nothing can be wrong then, sure.
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    I didn't know him and I detest Apple products. It's a big name that dies but personally I doesn't really affect me in any way.
  • RRP%s's Photo

    I, like RRP, applaud the designer, whoever really had the crucial ideas. Just yesterday I saw a report on the working conditions in China of Apple's suppliers Wintek and Foxconn. On German television, they had new footage shot by the workers themselves that managed to get out. It really took me:,1872,8355632,00.html

    People in these plants are exploited par excellence by capitalism, and Apple, and Steve Jobs, must have known this but never did anything against it. People at their production plants are killing themselves by jumping from the factory rooves. Their reaction: installment of nets.

    Steve Jobs then said on a conference that, in relation, the average suicide rates of these people are still somewhat lower than those of the US. Right. Nothing can be wrong then, sure.

    Exactly. He wasn't the creative design god that people make him out to be. Just the face of a big company, selling products that people dont really need. I have nothing personal against Jobs or Apple but he wasn't a creative genius just because the companies he was invovled with are successful.
    Is Justin Bieber a musical genius just because he's famous?
  • wildroller%s's Photo
    I'm sure his icoffin will be able to send email, he'll be alright.

    Edit - considering he was one of the pioneers in personal computers, I'm pretty sure he counts as a genius, not sure why there's any argument over that. He built a company up out of his garage, takes some brains to do that successfully.
  • BelgianGuy%s's Photo
    he wasn't a designer, he was a brilliant salesman, nothing more and nothing less, a genius in marketing that's all...


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